I'm a Jones.

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it starts very formal, but the whole story isn't like that. this is for sure the most formal chapter there is going to be. 

the content has vulgar language but minor sexual content. (like kissing and more in later chapters)

I changed Hunter's name, so if Sammy is mentioned it is talking about Hunter. (I changed his name because all the names pretty much ended on the same syllable and it was too repetitive.)

hope you enjoy xoxo- Allie

Stephanie's POV

The streets are quiet, and I feel all eyes on me. People are everywhere, and they all judge me. It is not my fault that I am a Jones. In my town the Jones are a disgrace. They are cowardly and foolish, and worse they are selfish.

Everyone in this morbid town is too poor, yet they still judge us. Most people can hardly afford to feed their families, and they live in shacks. It is quite sad to see. People feel deep hatred on our family, but it did help us. We are the richest family in the town of Blackwell. We live in the heart of Blackwell in a good area. Our house is small, but the biggest in the town. We are so rich we have over $1000.

When I walk down the streets everyone stares at my as if I am my grandfather, Winston. Winston cheated all of his friends, and his wife just for cash. He cheated everyone so he could have money. Grandma Lucia instantly forgave Winston for cheating her. She only forgave him because he was rich, and she was greedy. At least that's what people say, but I think she stayed because of her son, or as I call him dad. Dad, or known as Walter, was five years when the town turned on us.

Grandma Lucia died five years ago, sixteen days before my tenth birthday. Winston stole the company's money in 2205. The people here are stubborn, and can hold serious grudges. It's already 2235, and people are still angry with us. Winston is still alive, because he is only 55 years. He is planning to live long, just to bother the folks of our town. Father hates Winston, but I believe he was doing what is in the best interest. My brother, Jonathan believes Winston is dead to him the moment he scammed everyone.

I walk through the streets with my head high.

"Is that a Jones," I hear a teen whisper to his friend.

"Yes, Marshall! You can tell from the sharp nose and round eyes," the other boy whispers.

"Golly, she sure is a pretty one!"

"Do not ever say that! She is hideous on the inside, and you gotta realize that she is a Jones. They cannot be trusted, Marshall!"

"You're right Tim," the boy says flatly.

I am always told by my father that I was beautiful, but I never believed him. Lucia always used to give me makeovers, and teach me to be a lady. It does bother me that people think that I am bad on the inside, because I am very nice. I hated Winston for making us be alienated.

I walk to the school to say hello to my teachers. I am very bored, considering there is nothing to do at home. I approach my school and I see Mrs Samantha Smith. I make small talk with her then leave the school. I always had loved her because she was one of the few people in the town who didn't hate us.

When I leave the school I am holding my books, and it is very heavy for me to carry. People stare as I walk.

My house is brown, and properly built, and has enough space for all of us to live in. my mother left two years ago, and it hurt Willemena, my ten year old sister, the most.

I walk in the front door of my house, and give a shout. Jonathan strolls in and he has a half eaten sandwich in his mouth.

Jonathan pretends that he is not a part of our family, just to try and live a normal life. He says his name is Johnny Brown. He is very private about his home life, so no one suspects a thing. Most people assume we are friends instead of siblings. The only person that knows he is a Jones is Hunter Clint Brown, he is a close friend of Johnny. We call him Hunter. Johnny pretends that he is Hunter's brother, and people believe it considering how close they are.

"Hey, what're you doin' here," Johnny says suspiciously.

"Just home looking for father."

"Okay. Hunter is 'ere so don' you embarrass me," Johnny orders me.

"I never embarrass you," I retort.

"Just sayin', but father has a good job! He is gonna be a part of the gov'rnment or something. So you be proud of him," Johnny informs me.

I nod back at him. Father is always having some new crazy job. In the workforce he is well known for being an awesome politician. It didn't matter if he was a Jones, he was a great politician, and nobody cared about his last name.

Johnny starts to walk away from me and I hear him say something to Hunter, but I don't catch what. Johnny was always super smart in school, but he talked like the common Southenor. I think he talks like that because he is trying to impress his peers, but it is just stupid.

Hunter Brown is a boy of wonder. He is very gentlemanly, and he has a lot of pride. His humor is a lot alike from Johnny and mine. He isn't very rich, but he isn't poor either. He lives like a common folk in our town. He is across from us, and we sometimes feel bad for being so much wealthier than him. He doesn't mind it though. He is very attractive, he has dark brown hair, with eyes as blue as the ocean. He is around six foot three, and he is seventeen years, and is my brothers closest friend. He is a lovely boy, and he has wit along with athleticism. He lives along with his mother, three sisters and one brother. His father had died in a terrible automobile accident. He was devastated for months.

Johnny often jokes about us two together, but we both saw it as a silly thing.

I stroll into the kitchen and I see Johnny and Hunter exchanges words. Johnny is about one inch shorter than Hunter, and they both look similar, but seem so different. Johnny has a very similar narrow face and blue eyes, but he has flowing blonde hair. Their personalities are very similar, but they have different morals. I honestly could never imagine a world with them apart.

Johnny tells me that all of our siblings are at others houses.

Hunter puts his arm around me, "Hey Stephie, do ya got my homework?" He looks at me with a devious smirk.

Johnny and I roll our eyes. Johnny replies,"Do your own work, you idiot."

"I'm joking, y'all need to calm down," Hunter laughs.

I laugh awkwardly and Johnny tells me to lighten up. Johnny takes everything so seriously, but it's so obvious that Hunter is joking. He is always joking.

I go and look for my lunch in the fridge. I have been excited to eat it all day. I put an orange sticky note on my sandwich with Stephanie in all capitals. It isn't in the fridge anywhere. I look over at Johnny's sandwich and I see that it is my sandwich. I look at him furiously and I stare him down.

"That is my lunch. You took my lunch, why did you do that. I get your dessert now, you suck," I say in a strict tone.

"Calm down, I'll give you a nickel."

"Deal! That is enough for a chocolate bar and coke! Sweet!" Johnny tosses me a nickel.

"You two are the lamest things ever! If that happened at my house my sister would've took my sandwich and rubbed it on my face," Hunter comes to me, "you are the sweetest thing." Then he looks into my eyes, and he smiles with his eyes closed.

I feel my cheeks redden.

"Could you not flirt with my sister right in front of me, it is disgusting."

Hunter and I look at each other and laugh. We both know that he wasn't flirting, we have a very weird relationship in that way. Most of the time we just did it to bother Johnny, but Johnny would try to make it less awkward for him. He would try and play along, but it was always too funny.

I wave goodbye to Johnny and Hunter and I go to my room. I see Johnny and Hunter play fighting. It was twelve o'clock when I went up to my room. I'm laying on my bed wondering how to think about my father getting another job. It scares me quite a bit because he hasn't kept one job for over two years. It seems unreliable of him, and I don't want us having a worse name. It is very hard on my mind. I end up slowly dozing off from my mind wandering.

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