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Hope you enjoy! xoxo- Allie

Stephanie's POV

I wake up to the sight of Hunter raiding his closet with no shirt on. He turns around and smiles. "I'm getting changed. It was really warm in there."

"How are you feeling?" I can't help but stare at him. I'm happy that I wore comfort clothes, because that was the best nap of my life. I sit up on his bed as he chooses a shirt. He flips it on and he gently lays back on his bed. He smiles as he says "I feel well." I smell him and he's already brushed his teeth and taken a shower.

"How long was I asleep for?"

"An hour longer than me. I took a shower and everything," he raises his head high and mighty. I brush my mouth against his, and he kisses me back.

As he pulls back he mentions, "you realize I was vomiting all morning, right?" He starts to laugh as he sits up.

"Yes, but I thought you were feeling better. You were never actually sick. You just had a hang-over."


"You should apologize to Johnny. It was really hurtful."

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to say those things. I'll say sorry to him when he comes back."

"What time is it."

"Noon." He gives me a devious smirk and he picks me up and sets me on his lap. Our faces are facing each other and my legs are straddled behind him. "I just want to make sure you know that this has to be a secret."

"Of course! Especially from Johnny. We can't say anything until we're ready."

He nods his head and asks, "this whole idea of us is okay with you, right?"

"It feels so right."

He kisses my lips passionately and moves to my neck. He slowly makes his way down my back. His hands slowly get lower, and lower but it feels right. His hands are rested on my bottom and he moves back to my lips. I stroke his back with my hands and he takes his shirt off. He squeezes me and he continues to kiss me. He suddenly stops and I ask him what's wrong.

"No, nothing's wrong. I just don't want things to go to far."

"Did I do something wrong," I look down at his private area.

He notices and grabs a pillow to drape that area. "Oh my God Stephanie! That is disgusting, and you are so inappropriate."


"It's a dumb rule!"

"You can't say anything that has to do with religion!"

"Fine, and no that's not the reason why. I don't want things to happen right now!"


"I was literally vomiting four hours ago." He starts to laugh like that was the obvious reason we stopped. I feel a touch embarrassed. He stands up and opens the door and looks at me. He motions his hand so I will go with him into the kitchen. He takes some medication and he turns a burner on. I grab a soup packet and carefully follow the instructions on the label.

"Hey uhh. Stephie." He looks over at me and scratches the back of his head nervously. He looks so cute when he does that. His scruffy brown hair looks so nice at all times.


"So. About Austin. We never really talked about what happened. I was wondering if you could tell me?"

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