Dr Brown

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Hope you enjoy! xoxo- Allie

Hunter's POV

Shit. I'm fucking drafted! That cannot happen. 

I'm standing with a whole bunch of dudes listening to a colonel spew utter bullshit about the law. 

"Don't hide! your family will be shit if you try to get out of this."

We know! I am standing beside Matthew and that prick Austin, and Matthew actually tried to hold my hand. God, I always thought he was weird, but dude seriously? 

I keep thinking about my family, how they need me. I know that we have almost no money, and I bring in the most money. Dad dies in a car wreck and mom breaks down. all my sibling are younger so guess who is the man of the house. me! Well I do have one older brother that no one knows about. he is irrelevent, so it doesn't really matter. He won't do anything to help our family anyways, asshole. 

I glance over at Austin and he has a smug look painted on, that's not good. 

"This is fucking bullshit," Austins says in a monotone voice loud enough for everyone to hear. 

"What is that? you punk," some colonel says. I gotta laugh to myself, he looks like colonel Sanders. 

"Yo Austin, he looks like Sanders," I whisper loud enough for him to hear.

Austin and I used to be close, we would watch old things and we were buddies. we have a fairly similar sense of humor, but I will never forgive what he did to Stephanie.

Austin laughs at what I said to him, and dumbass repeats it really loud. 

The colonel looks confused, of course there is no way he would know who that is. 

funny enough everyone ignores Austin because they are too depressed. I get that, I'm fucking pissed myself. Huh, just when things started getting good with Stephanie.  

The military people talk for like what feels like a year before he lets us out. 

"We are going to have to put a temporary tracking device so you can't run away." I see a man dressed in all white go behind a blue curtain with a few needles in packaging. I assume the tracking device is through injection, so I feel quite nervous. I have a huge phobia for needles, so I avoid them at all costs. 

Colonel Andrews stands in front of the curtain and has a clip board in his hand. "please stand in last name alphabetical order from youngest to oldest." 

Each person takes around 30 seconds in and out and some people come out crying, sissy's. I'm at the front of the line and there are still loads of people behind me. 


"Hunter C Brown."



"Please enter the room behind me."


I stroll into the room as cool as I can. "Hey dude! I'm Hunter."

"I'm Dr Brown, please take a seat here."

"So, uh, what are you going to do?" I feel so nervous, like I'm going to throw up. 

"I'm going to inject this serum into your neck and it will place a tracker. I'm not legally allowed to tell you the full extent to what it does."

"Well shit. that's shady Dr Brown. Why do we have the same surname?"

"Oh, uh, no reason, it's a common last name."

"Okay, whatever you say." I see Dr Brown unwrap a long needle. It is very thin, but very long. I shiver and take a large inhale. Oh lord. There is a green liquid in a large vase behind on the table. He puts the large needle within the contents and sucks it up the needle. It doesn't seem like a liquid in the needle, it looks more like a jelly. That's going in my neck, ew. 

"Here is a bucket."


"Lots of people throw up after being injected. I will also need to put a numbing patch on you before the needle. I only use it for people with needle phobias."

What? How does he know about my needle phobia?  "Okay."

he puts a white square patch on the left side of my neck. The needle comes closer to me, but he can't put it in due to the patch. He rubs the patch and rips it off.

"Ouch! Dude!"

"Sorry man!"

I give him a funny look. Why is he talking to me like that? 

The needle begins to inch closer to my neck and I feel myself sweating.

"Fuck this!" I jump of the bed and hit the wall. A lot of packages needles fall down around me and the Dr puts the needle on the table behind me and grabs my arm. 

"Murray, Ethan!"

two big men come running in and grab each one of my arms. They pin me on the bed and one holds my neck, while the other pins my body. 

"Fuck," I yell trying to escape. I give up and relax, but their grip doesn't. I yell at the top of my lungs as I see the needle. 

"Close your eyes, son! The patch will make the needle not hurt."  

I do as he says, but he partially lied. It does hurt, but only the liquid, not the needle itself. As soon as it's done he disposes of the needle. The men let go, and I puke in the bucket. 

"It really hurts," I tell the doctor.

"That'll ware off it ten minutes."

I exit the room and go to lunch, I try to find Stephanie, but there is no luck. I decide to find my friends and tell them about that whole experience. 


Stephanie POV

The whole lunch no one says a word to anyone and most people aren't hungry anymore. I see Matthew walk into the parking lot and lie down.

"Matty!" I run over and yank him up, "why are you laying on the ground, and why aren't you with those military dudes?"

"I'm dead inside, and they let us go to lunch," Matty says. He sounded so pitiful and I walk him out of the parking lot and give him a hug. The bell rings for lunch to end, but it doesn't sound as musical as it used to. Everyone walks like zombies to their next class and next period we talk about the war. So many people are terrified for their lives. Half the class is relieved they weren't picked while the other half is crying on their desks. I don't know how to feel at the moment. I would say that I'm feeling sheer terror for the boys if anything. It feels more like a punishment than anything. The government promised us freedom from the alliance but that didn't happen. Everyone complained about it and they punish the youth by going to war. All I want to do is go find Hunter and Johnny.

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