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Hope you enjoy. xoxo- Allie.

Johnny's POV

I walk to school alone with by music blasting in my ears. I can't stop replaying Hunter's actions in my head. He yelled at me for saying something to Stephanie in a rude tone. 

I don't know if it's safe to leave her there, he isn't a violent guy, but his dad was. I see the school but I start to turn around back to the house. I debate whether I should go back, or go to school. 

I end up walking to school because I cannot afford to miss anymore class. I mean I might die soon, in the war I mean. 

I enter the school and tons of guys from the senior class bump into me. They are supposed to be my peers, but they like Hunter so much more than they like me. 

"Yo D-man, catch!"

A big guys runs right into me, and I fall onto my back. 

"shit, that hurt." I look up to see the big guys who ran into me and it's one of Hunter's friends, Drew. 

he reaches over a hand so he can help me up. "Oh my gosh! I'm sorry man."

"I don't need your pity, Drew."

He puts his hands up like he's surrendering, "okay John."

I get up and give him a dirty look and start to walk off.

"Hey John."

"What, Drew?"

"Where is Hunter? He's supposed to be at football practice."

"He's at home, drunk."

"Shit. Is he going to run away from the war?"

"What?" that's a weird question. "Obviously not, dip shit."


what a weirdo. 


"What the hell do you want. Let me go to class already!"

This guy annoys me so much. He thinks he's so cool. 

"How's your sister." he says deeply.

"Stephanie? She's worried, about everything," I answer truthfully.

"She didn't seem worried last night."

what? last night? "what was last night?"

Drew has a smirk on his face, he looks like the devil. 

"oh nothing, but she did seem very happy." 

"How would you know? You know what. I don't care."

I start to walk away but I quickly turn around as he says, "she made out with me." He has a devilish grin and I am fuming. He has his boys backing him up, but I don't care.

I ram into him and begin to punch him in the face. "You son of a bitch!" I punch him continuously, but he is much bigger than I am. He literally picks me up and runs me into the wall. I fall to the ground and curl up. It hurt so much.

"Tell Stephanie I say hi."


Drew's POV

I didn't really kiss Stephanie, she's Hunter's girl. I just hate that Jonathan kid. He's so fucking annoying. 

"Did you really kiss Stephanie," Rhino asks. Rhino is a big guy on the football team. He's one of my favorite boys, beside Hunter of course. Rhino is such a genuine guy, but so innocent. 

"No! of course not. Just wanted a rise out of John."

"You're such an asshole. What was the point of that?"

"Nothing. Just a little drama for the Jones and Brown families." We both laugh.

"Wow, Drew, you really know how to piss someone off." 

"It's natural, and I love it." 

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