Date night

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Hope you enjoy Hunter and Stephanie's date! xoxo-Allie

Hunter's POV

I look at Stephanie, and she is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. She has a huge smile on her face as she quietly shuts the door behind her. Her smile makes her glow. 

"You are the most gorgeous woman I've ever laid eyes on."

Her cheeks redden deeply. She's like a little strawberry. "You look very handsome. Nice suit."

"Thanks! Let us be going." I hold her hand as we walk to Mazzaluppi's. I feel so embarrassed that we have to walk. I don't have a car, there's no way I can afford one. 

"Do you like milk?"

Did she just ask if I like milk? I chuckle to myself. "I guess. It's not something that I think about," I laugh. "Do you like milk?"

She actually thinks about her answer for a solid twenty seconds. "Skim milk. Skim is the most superior milk. 2% is gross."

"I agree. 2% is a cream."

"Exactly," she exclaims like it's the first time someone has agreed with her. 

I look at her in amazement. Amazement that someone could be so beautiful and kind. 

"What," she questions.

"You're so cute."

She blushes and examines my face. "You too."

"Guys are not cute!"

"Well, you are."

"Okay," I smile warmly, planting a soft kiss one her lips.

We arrive and I mention my reservation to the front. The man leads us to our table and I tuck Stephanie in her chair first.

"Can I not work a chair," she asks.

"No! I was just trying to be nice," I say mortified.

"I'm just yanking your balls."

I blush, "You're doing what?"

"I'm joking!"

"Oh," my body floods with relief. 

"So the war," she mentions.

I really didn't want to talk about that tonight. 

"What about it?"

"You're leaving soon. What does that mean for us?"

I never thought of that. Will I be left behind? "What do you want it to mean?"

"I want to stay with you, but Johnny."

"He'll be fine, just we have to make sure he figures out after the war."

"If he lives."

"Don't be so fucking dark. I might die too, have you thought of that?"

"I'm sorry. I was rude."

I feel bad for embarrassing her, so I lay my hand over hers. "I'll be fine. We'll be fine. Johnny and I will make it. I'll make sure he survives," even if I die, "for you."

"Thank you so much."

"You look sexy in that dress."

She blushes and hesitates before saying, "maybe later you can see what's under."

Woah. Bold move Steph, bold move. "Yeah, I'd like that," I lightly growl. "I bet it's real nice," I scan her. 

Our food arrives, and me being the biggest cliche I order spaghetti. That we share. 

As we get our food a large party of fancy men in black suits arrive and sit at a table directly behind Stephanie. 

"They're really loud," I say while chewing on food.

she nods her head, "maybe we can leave sooner." She starts playing footsies with me. 

We both eat some more food, and there are only a few noodles left. I intentionally pick the same one as her. We both begin pulling closer together, because eating this one noodle is a top priority. Our mouths meet and  give her a small kiss. A full on kiss with noodles in the mouth is gross. 

as I pull back from our kiss I see a familiar face.

"Fuck," I mutter.


"You're father is at the table behind you."


The waiter comes by us and I ask for the check.

"I'm going to use the ladies," Stephanie said. 

I nod my head and she scurries off. 

The waiter brings me a check and I cannot believe the price. Holy crap! That's expensive. I look up in distress and I make eye contact with Stephanie's father. I let out an awkward smile and he gets up and fucking walks over to me!

"Hello, Hunter!"

"Hello sir," I shake his hand firmly.

"So who is the lucky lady?"

Oh your daughter. "I'm the lucky one. You don't know her, sir."

"Well, tell my daughter hello."


"When you see her next, I mean." He lets out a knowing smile. 

Does he know? 

I put the money down and go outside the ladies room. I don't even care how creepy that looks. Steph walks out and gives me a confused look. I grab her hand and walk her out of the building. 

"Did you tell your father about us?"

"What? No!"

"He just said, 'say hi to my daughter.'"

"He doesn't know!"


we both walk home we stop before my house. I pull her inside and we walk up to my room. 

I move a tendril of hair and lean in to kiss her. She wraps her arms around my back and I glide my hands to her bottom. her back is pressed against my bed and I move down from her lips to her neck. 

"are you going to fulfill your promise?"

she takes her dress of over her head and I take my shirt off. 

"Steph., are you sure?"

"Yes," she answers almost immedietly. 

"We can wait."

"Do you want to?"

"It's up to you." It was. It is up to her.

"I want to."

I grin at her as I say, "Little Stephanie Jones, how inappropriate you have become."  

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