I cheated death

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Hi all! If you have any constructive criticisms please leave it in the comments section, just no hateful comments or they will be deleted. 

Enjoy! xoxo- Allie

Stephanie's POV

I arise from my short slumber and I peek over to see the time. Oh no! I dozed of for far too long! I had taken a four hour nap, and I was hoping to see father today. Father had been trying to make us one whole country again. It seems as if everything about the world had gone backwards. In our history books it says that the United States of America had been its own country. It had fifty states and one president, but the times have changed.

I wander over out of my room, only to go to the hall that leads to the kitchen. I see Willemena doing her homework on the light brown table near the sink. Willemena is my youngest sister, she is only ten years of age. She looks like my mother, she had flowing light brown hair, with deep brown eyes, and a sharp nose with a round face. Her eyes are small but it suits her. She is a very lovely child. She is a very smart misunderstood child. Lots of people dislike her because of her surname, but the townsfolk hate all of us. I don't think she understands why people dislike her, she is too innocent. She is a very lonely girl, and I feel like she doesn't have anyone who is close to her.

Willemena looks up at me and she gives a warm smile.

"Where is father? I need to talk to him," I question Willemena.

"He is probably in his quarters. He has been very private today, but more content than usual. He was talking about him getting a new job. In my opinion he should of never left his last job. This new job is far too unstable to be happy with. I suspect he'll be here for a week and get fired. I know that sounds negative, but he should have been loyal to the previous work place. This new job scares me. I just hope we don't go into debt. I am sorry Stephanie. It seems like I have rambled on far too long."

"You didn't ramble, you actually told me what I needed to know. Willemena you need to stop talkin' so weird. No one's gonna wanna be your friend if you talk so formally."

I walk to the door of my fathers chambers and I knock three times. I slowly open the door to see him sleeping. I slowly leave the room, and I go to his office and grab a piece of paper. I begin to write. Hello Father, please do not get angry at me. I am just going for a quick walk by my lonesome. Do not fret, for I will be home by quarter after six. If you need me I will either be at Hunter's or at my other usual spots. Regards Stephanie.

I begin to leave the house, and I wave goodbye to Willemena. I wasn't planning to go to any specific destination. I just wanted out of my house. I decide to go over to the schoolyard. It is about a five minute walk of twists and turns. I walk to the yard holding my head up high not caring about the judge I get. I walk down my dusty street and I look at the other houses. They are brown and broken down. The road was brown and dusty, and it wasn't proper road. Our towns roads are just dusty trails, it is more like a dirt path. It is surprisingly even and safe. I loved the face of our town. The town is like one giant family. I always had wished I was a part of it.

I walk down the road and wave at some of the elderly, who give me icy stares because they knew Winston. I hope one day they will forget. I take three left turns, and a right. I take a straight walk, and I walk around 100 feet. I see the gray chain link fence surrounding the big school, made of red brick. The school had a small forest in the back of it, and I normally go the back way. Today I decided to enter on the right side of the building. I climb up the chain link fence and hop over hoping it won't destroy my pants. I start walking past the cement tables, and I walk into the forest. The school had banned children from going in there because it isn't considered safe. I think kids aren't allowed in there because if they stay on there the teachers would never know. It may be a small forest, but it is big enough to hide in. The forest isn't known as school property so we can go on the premise. When Johnny and I was small we made a treehouse. It is just a wooden square big enough to hold 500 pounds. We played in there for hours when I was four and he was six.

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