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Hope you enjoy! xoxo- Allie

Hunter's POV

Oh my gosh I can't believe that just happened. Stephanie got stabbed. When I saw what happened I was just laying there and shock and then I realize that she was hurt. I felt this instant come in just kill that guy who tried to touch her. I was so pissed off. I'm really not sure if he's dead When Stephie asked I had no idea what to say. I thought I'd killed him. I doubt I did though.

I need to get that off my mind. I need to rest. Tomorrow's Monday. I know I will not be able to get up in the morning. I'm so lazy. I laughed to myself.

I'm about to fall asleep but then I realize I don't know what I'm wearing tomorrow. I'm such a girl. I go through my closet to find something that would be good for the second week of school.

I run a drill my closet and I found this dope ass sweater. It's long and light blue and it's plain. shit, there's a stain on the back. I see this jean jacket I could wear around it because of the stain in the back of the hoodie. I have to decide what pants to wear this. I would normally just wear blue jeans but I'm really not in the mood for that. I looked through all these different kinds of jeans I have because I have many kind of jeans. I laughed myself because I'm so ridiculous. Why do I have so many jeans? I see these black jeans that would look pretty good with the blue sweater. Perfect I have my outfit tomorrow. I wonder what Stephanie is going to wear.

I always feel the need to dress to impress. All of my peers are expecting this big extravagant outfit for me to be wearing. Normally I look like a regular teenager. I guess it's expected. I don't know why people expect things from me. Whatever. I have to deal with it now.

I fold up the clothes that I'm going to wear for tomorrow and put it on my dresser. I flopped back in my bed and drape the covers over me. I pull out a comic book and I start to read it. After around 10 minutes I slowly fall asleep and turn my alarm clock on. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.

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