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Thank you so much for reading. I really hope you enjoy! I have quite a bit of the story already written, but I need to edit it still! 

hope you enjoy xoxo- Allie

Johnny's POV

I go and Wander over to Hunter's house. I knock on the door three times like I normally do. it's like a routine knock. Right when I knock three times he knows it's me right away. He always comes out the house and yells hey Johnny.

 "Hey Johnny," he yell's right away without even looking who's at the door.

" Hey Hunter," I yell back.

"Do you want to go to the old tree house?"

" The one we made when we were kids?"

"Of course that one. Which other Tree house do we have?"

he lets out a small chuckle. " okay man let's go to the tree house."

We wander towards the school. We go through the forest to where the Tree house stays. There's a tall tree and a house on top with a ladder. I climb up first and open the trapdoor which opens to the house. after I hop in the tree house Hunter slowly goes in behind me. He immediately goes over to the comic books he bought four years ago.

"oh man I remember these," he exclaims.

"What is that?"

"They are my Spider-Man comic books. I bought them years ago. I forgot about them. They are totally limited edition And sooo expensive. they are from the 19 hundreds I think."

Hunter has always been interested in things that are totally from the history. it's totally lame in my opinion. It's kind of embarrassing actually.

"Oh man. I can't believe I'm friends with you."

"Wow. You're hilarious."

" I know. It's my best quality."

we both let out heavy laughs. We both sit for an hour just talking about random things and reading comic books from the 1900s. I can't believe I agreed to reading the comic books. I can't believe you and found comic books they hardly even exist anymore. It's all electronic things. You can hardly read the text because it's so old. I don't know why he even bought this. But they are kind of interesting. The humor is very lame and very old but that's okay. He's one of those people that you just enjoy their company. You don't really have to do anything you just want to be around them. That's why he's so popular at school and I'm not. He never ditches me or anything it's just I don't really want to draw attention to myself and I don't want people figuring out my real last name. I always go by his because I'm totally embarrassed for what Winston did to our family.

I could sit here for hours is reading these dumb comic books.

I can't help but wonder where Stephanie is. She's always around here when there's two of us are alone. it's kind of weird not being with her. She's always around. I never have any private time it's always me her and Hunter. I'm okay with it but I kind of wish I had a friend that's just my friend not all of our friends. 

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