You stunner

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Hope you all enjoy! xoxo-Allie

Hunter's POV

 I look over at the time. It reads 1700. I didn't know what to wear. I looked in my closet to find anything that would suit Mazzaluppi's because I was such a fancy place. I looked in my closet pushing all the clothes around to see if I can find anything for tonight. I find a brown suit in the back of my closet. the suit I wore on my dad's funeral. I just stand and stare and think of memories of when he was alive. I laughed myself, he would be so surprised that this day has come. He would say something like, wow you stunner.

I find a black suit that would be perfect for tonight. I slip it on and then go downstairs to the couch to watch TV. Seth sees me and changes it to his show.

"You look nice," he laughs.

"Shut up," I say sarcastically.

I go back up to my room to kill some time before my date. I sit on my bed and look for some comic books to read. I find a book called Superman and Dive Right In. You can hardly read the text because it's so old but I love it anyways. After about 45 minutes of reading I get up and go to the door.

"what time will you be back by," Seth asks.

"I'm not sure. What time do you need me back?"

"Doesn't matter. I'll take care of the girls."

"Thanks man."

I walk over to Stephanie's house slowly so it gives her more time to get ready. she always takes so long to get ready and I find it so funny. I knock on the door hoping Johnny doesn't answer. That'll be awkward won't it. Instead no one opens the door to my surprise. I go back home to go to my rotary phone to call Stephanie. I dial the number I gave to her and I hear it ring a couple times and I hear her voice when she picks up.

"Hey Hunter what's up," she asks.

"Why did no one answer the door when I came over?"

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry just come over now I'm ready."

I rush over to her house and I knocked on the door once again. She comes to the door swiftly and open the door with a big hug.I reciprocate the hug back.

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