Austin Kenney

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Hope you enjoy! xoxo-Allie

Stephanie POV

I wake up to an annoying ringing noise in my ear. I feel very groggy and I rub both of my eyes. I slowly arise myself from my bed and I get on both feet. I stretch out my arms and yawn. My arm does not hurt as much as it did yesterday, and walking on my leg is now bearable. I have a little bit of a limp though. My head is pounding but I'll get over that.

I walk over to Johnnys room and knock three times on the door. I hear no answer and I slowly open the door and whisper Johnny before looking into his room. I open the door fully and walk into his room. He is still fast asleep. He has the second biggest room in the house. Fathers is obviously the largest. He has football and baseball posters all over his room. His walls painted a deep blue. His bed directly across from the bed. His blanket is the same color as Hunters walls. He looks so peaceful as he is sleeping. I can sometimes hear his loud snores from my room. His digital clock reads seven forty. I best wake him up now. I go and shake him and he doesn't budge. I hit him in the stomach with all of my might.

"Son of a- what the hell was that for," Johnny yells with his voice full of anger.

"Get up. You are gonna be late I'll tell you!"

Johnny looks over at the clock. "God Dammit Steph!" He jumps out of the bed as fast as he can. We both run to get ready. Johnny is much faster at getting ready than I am. I hear Johnny yell from the other room, "Get Matthew up too!"

"You get 'im up Johnny boy!"

I hear Johnny yelling for Matthew.

"Shut up Jonathan. I am tired," Matthew yells.

"Get up! Steph got me up and now I gotta get you up."

"Oh, how considerate of you. What brotherly love," Matthew yells sarcastically.

I go to the bathroom to apply my makeup. We all rush to get ready and by the time I am done my makeup it is eight o'clock. Johnny yells for me to hurry up. I dress into my tight red shirt, and my ripped blue jeans. I think I look really cute today. By the time I am ready and in the kitchen it is eight ten. Matthew is eating his scrambled eggs, and Johnny is having a feast. Johnny has six pieces of bacon, two sunny side up eggs, four sausages, three hash browns, and two pieces of toast. I see they made me a plate of toast and eggs. We all eat it until the clock hits twenty after.

I hear someone enter my house.

Johnny yells with his mouth full of food, "Hunter my man!"

Hunter rushes in a says, "Johnny," full of energy. He gives him the fake finger guns. Johnny and Hunter look at each other and even a fool would know they are best of friends.

"So Matty my man. You wanna walk with us." Hunter puts his arm around Matthew cooly.

"Naw man. I will probably walk with Stephie."

"I am going with Johnny and Hunter buddy. Come with us."
"I'm not cool enough Steph."

"Nonsense! You're my man Matty," Hunter says.

"Well alright," Matthew says giddy.

We all start to walk out the door and Hunter raids Matthew with questions as we leave.

"What grade ya in Matty?"


"Cool brother!"

"Why do you guys hang out with Stephie and not me?"

Well Matthew had made this walk awkward very fast. It was a pretty valid question though. I am two years younger than them, and I am a girl. There is no reason for them to hang with me.

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