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Hope you enjoy! xoxo-Allie

Johnny POV

I hear a knock on the door, but I'm too lazy to answer it. I take a deep inhale and walk downstairs. I open the door and no one is there. That's odd. 

Whatever. I walk upstairs and go into Stephanie's room to see if she knows who was at the door. 

"Hey, woah. Why are you dressed that nice?"

She looks stunned. "Oh! Uh. No reason?"

"You weirdo."

Matthew walks up behind me and leans on the door frame. "Pathetic. Tell him why you're dressed like that," he rolls his eyes.

"what is he talking about?"

Stephanie gives Matthew the dirtiest look. "Shut up Matthew."

"What's going on? Stephie?"

"I'm going out with my friends."

"Why is that such a big deal?"

"You're not upset that you weren't invited? Good!"

"Oh. That's what this is about." I feel relief go through my body. 

As I exit her room Stephanie yanks Matthew and slams the door. That was weird. They've always had a weird relationship so I'm not surprised. 

Five seconds later Stephanie pushes Matthew out and answers a pink phone. God, that is the oldest phone I've ever seen. She blushes as she answers and she points for me to go away. Okay, I'm suspicious again. 

I would follow her, but if I see something I don't want to see I can't say anything, because I shouldn't have been following her. 

I knock on Stephanie's door, because I feel there in only one logical explanation for her behavior. 

"One second. Let me finish this call."


I just awkwardly stand outside her door waiting for her to let me in. What's taking to frigging long? 

"Come in," she sings.

"Uh. Do you have a boyfriend?"


I try to explain to her, "well you've been acting, like, weird lately. And defensive!"

"No, no boyfriend. Just hanging out with Karen."

"Oh, okay." I immediately think of earlier. That awkward conversation where Hunter practically groped her. "There isn't any funny business with Hunter, right?"

"Oh, uh, no."

"Because when he was here that one morning and,"

"Nothing's happening. Jesus! Get out!"

"Fine, fine. Sorry! Forget I asked."

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