Hunter looks rough

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Hope you all enjoy! xoxo- Allie

I'm sitting in my room on my glass chair. My desk is a shiny white color and had papers spread across it. My room has baby blue accents spread across. My desk has a blue lamp in the far left corner by the window sill. There are two drawers on each side of the desk and they are full of makeup. I have a fairly large closet with marble tiles surrounding it. The side opposite to my desk is my shiny eggshell dresser. It is larger and has three rows consisting of four small drawers on the top, and two medium drawers on the middle and bottom. I have a picture of my family in a small blue frame on the center of my dresser. There are two lamps on each top corner. My walls are a clean white color with two blue painting over my dresser. My bed is pushed up to the wall opposite of my closet and door. It is in the center of the wall area. My blanket has a white background with black splashes on it. My duvet is a black color and my accent pillows are blue. I have a chandelier in my room instead of a regular light bulb. I have tons of American nostalgia scattered in my room. It's mostly old and collectables from the 1900's and 2000's. I have a John F Kennedy bobble head figurine on my desk. I love it for some reason. Whenever I read about him in the history books I'm so intrigued.

I've cried so much last night and don't know what to do with my feeling. Thoughts have been racing through my mind. What do I say to Hunter? How is Johnny feeling? Is Matty suicidal? Well that last one though is kind of ridiculous, but he did say he was dead inside. He was probably just in shock from the news, at least that's what I hope.

I've been sitting here for an hour wondering what to do before they leave.

I look over at my clock and it read 8:00. I wander to my closet and decide what to wear. I don't feel like dressing up, but I want to look nice anyways. I find a low cut baby pink shirt. I suits me nice and is very appealing. Due to my laziness, I pair my pink shirt with high-waisted dark gray sweatpants. It makes my butt look nice, so it's okay that they are comfort pants. I apply my makeup and I keep my hair straight. I go to the kitchen and it's 8:23. Johnny, Matty and Father are talking. They look upset and I instantly know what they are talking about. I see a tear in father's eye and Matty is crying.

"I'll try," father says.

"Try what," I question.

Johnny chimes in, "He'll try to get them to post-pone the war a month. So we have more times with our families."

I nod my head and eat my breakfast.

We begin to leave the house and Hunter walks out the door. He looks really bad, and hung-over. He vomits all over his lawn when he exits his house.


I run over to Hunter and make sure he's okay. It must've been the news that has done this to him. I wrap my arms around his am he smells like whiskey. There isn't a father figure at his home so he has a loose life.

It's why he's so wild and free. The only time I've seen him so bad is after his father left and he tried to jump off his roof. We begged him not to and he tried to crawl down, but he fell anyways. His mom was pissed and us.

I whisper into Hunter's ears that it's going to be okay. I see a tear streak from his left eye. He isn't just sad, he is angry. He pushes me aside lightly to vomit again and hugs me again. I feel his body shaking from his crying. Johnny wanders over and just stares at us.

He puts his hand on Hunter's shoulder and says, "It's okay, man."

"No it's fucking not! How do you not get that! I knew this would happen and I'm pissed. Look at me! Do I look okay to you? No, I don't!" He lets go of our embrace and starts pointing to Johnny, "You don't know. You are rich. I provide for my fucking family! I make more than my mom, because I'm more educated than her."

I look at him shocked because he has never talked about money.

"Stay home Hunter," I mutter.

He has a pained expression and stares at me guiltily. Like he just remembered he took a shot and me, and not just Johnny. I know it was the alcohol talking. He has a hangover, of course he's irritable.

"I'll stay with you. Take care of you," I include.

"No Stephanie. He's a big boy and can take care of himself. Who knows what he's gonna do looking like that." I feel my cheeks redden from embarrassment.

Hunter points his finger and Johnny and presses his chest, "don't you ever talk to her like that. Don't ever!" I have never heard Hunter raise his voice like that.

Johnny looks baffled, "did I miss something?"

Hunter hold his stomach and mutters some curse words as he vomits again.

"I'm staying. I don't care of either of you like it. There is no way I'm leaving him like this Johnny. Please cover for me?"

"No Stephie, go to school. It's my fault I'm a mess."

"Stephanie, you can stay. I'll cover you." He hugs me and leaves giving Hunter a dirty look.

I take Hunter's hand and lead him slowly to his room. I grab a metal bowl just in case he throws up again. I lie him on his side, just in case he throws up. I put my hand on his forehead to check if he has a fever, which he doesn't. He slightly opens his eyes and touches my cheek.

"Thank you."

"It's really no problem. You just need to take care of yourself. I'll make you soup when you stop throwing up."

"You are so nice. I really appreciate this. Can you lay down with me."

"You better not vomit on me!"

"I won't. Lay here," he pats his hand in front of him. We are practically spooning. I'm obviously the little spoon, and he wraps his arms around me to get comfortable. After fifteen minutes he falls asleep. He is lightly snoring and not moving at all. His body is warm and it warms me. I begin to slowly doze off with him. 

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