it begins

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enjoy! xoxo- Allie

Stephanie POV

I have my locker opened and Mrs Smith taps my shoulder.

"Hey hon! I'm sorry about the class before I was very angry. I treated you like you were Jonathan and that was wrong. The detention was wrongly accused and you and Austin don't have to go." Mrs Smith has a heartening smile spread on her face.

"I am very grateful Mrs Smith, thank you!"

That was quite nice of her. Johnny had always told me such horrible things about her. I think of Amy once again and that just infuriates me more. Johnny is most likely with Amy so I have no one to sit with at lunch. I see Hunter walk by with his posse of popular seniors and I am well aware to steer clear of them. I decide to walk to the front of the school and push open the doors. There are many tables set up outside so students can eat out here on a pleasant day like today. I have my purse and brown paper bag lunch with me. I take out my ham and cheese sandwich and pull of the saran wrap. The only other people eating outside are freshmen. I see Matthew walk alone to a different table. I get up and ask Matthew if I can sit with him and a huge smile goes on his face.

"Why aren't you with Johnny or Hunter?"

"I saw Johnny making out with that bitch Amy Wexler, and I don't like Hunter's friends."

"Why the hell would Johnny make out with annoying Amy?"

I laugh, "annoying Amy?"

"Yeah annoying Amy! All the juniors call her that because she is the worst person ever! Her voice sounds like it's a fuckin' squirrel," he snorts.

I am content that Matthew says that, and I let out a smile which he appreciates.

I see Austin walking outside with his bag and lunch, "shit!"

Matthew looks at me and says "what? Is there food on my face?"
"No, it's Austin!"

Austin spots me and wanders over and sits down. We spend the rest of the lunch in utter silence. I leave ten minutes before the bell rings and I go inside. Lunch outside had gotten very boring when Austin came. Of course Austin trails after me like a stalker.

"Hey Steph, I have a question."

I spin myself around to face him and ask him what his question was.

"Are we dating or was that kiss just a one time thing?"

"I'm not sure. I just did that to get back at Johnny, but I would date you if you asked."

"So do you owe me?"

"Why would I owe you anything Austin?"

"You kissed me. That could've been my first kiss so I believe you owe me."

Dang, I never thought it could have been his first kiss. "Was it your first?"

"No, but I'm just saying."

"Fine I owe you."

Austin looks over to his right for some reason and then he looks at me. He walks closer to me and he pushes his face on me. All that can run through my mind is why is Austin kissing me? I continue to kiss him because I always thought he was kind of cute and today he showed a side of him that was smart and caring.

He wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. He slowly lets his head back with his eyes still closed. He whispers in my ear "I really do like you." He takes a step back and looks over to his right again. I decide to look what is over there because he keeps looking over there. I see a bunch of senior boys just hanging out but there is one face that I didn't expect to see there. Hunter. He looks complet]ly mortified and extremely hurt for some reason. He is in shock and isn't moving a muscle. He hasn't blinked for a solid thirty seconds and mouths Stephanie.

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