I'll never leave you

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In this chapter there is a little bit of violence. It isn't graphic at all, so don't worry. 

You learn why Hunter is the way he is and why is mom is so... different. 

Hope you all enjoy! xoxo- Allie

Hunter POV

Stephanie wants to go on a date with me. Me! I feel like a kid on Christmas morning. I know I'm going into war soon, but this feeling has over powered all of my fear. I am so glad I gave her that little pink phone. She's so cute. 

I hear a lot of yelling from down stairs. Only when my mom is home shit like this happens. I'm lying on my bed just listening to the screams. When dad was alive and I was little mom didn't have to do things to guys, and we were first choice. 

"Hunter." I see my little sister Isla in the door frame holding a plushy. 

"Hey honey," I welcome her in my room.  I give her a big bear hug and place her on my lap. "What's wrong?"

"That man," she begins to cry, "he has Seth."

"What do you mean he has Seth," I try not to sound mad. Seth is my younger brother, he's thirteen. 

Mom always brings these guys around to sleep with, but she gets paid, so I can't say anything. Of course it bothers me, but what do I do? That's when the fights started. When guys would hurt my mom, or my siblings. It's disgusting.

"He is hurting him."

"Stay here and make sure no one else goes downstairs." I jump out of my bed and run downstairs. 

"Give me your money!"

"What," my mom said weakly.

"Get into that bedroom, now!"


"No pay."

"I can't do that. Y-you know that."

He grabs her hair and throws her.


"Mom," Seth yells, and runs up to her. 

That guy grabs Seth and throws him into the ground.

"Hey! Cut that shit out!"

"Okay, and who is going to stop me, punk!"

"I am," I walk toward him.

"Try," he has a knife in his hand. 

I'll be fine, I can hold myself in a fight. I run up to him and grab the blade with one hand and punching him with the other. I feel blood go on the hand holding the blade. The guy falls back hitting his head on the ground.

"Fuck woman. Get this kid off of me."

I punch him in the face as I grab the knife out of hand. 

"Hunter! Hunter stop! Leave Jason alone," my mom yells trying to stop me.

What the fuck? This guy didn't just hit her, he hit Seth and tried to hit me. 

I get up releasing myself from him while keeping the knife in my hand.

"Why'd you let him hit me," Jason says. He takes a swing at her leaving blood falling from her cheek. "I hit you, and do you know why." He looks at me.

"Because I hit you," I answer. 

"Exactly. Let's go whore."

Just as he turns his back to me I tackle him. I use the knife and impale his leg. I don't want to kill, I'm not brutal, I just was to inflict pain. My mother screams, horrified. She knows this isn't the first time I've had to fight one of her clients. That's why she stopped coming home, so things like this stop happening. Seth yells and cries. I wish he didn't witness this. 

"Get out," I yell at the top of my lungs. I've never been louder.

"I can't w-walk," Jason whispers.

"I don't care," I yell, "get out," I manage to yell louder. I pick him up so he's standing. He starts to walk out and I follow him. 

As he leaves I see my mother Seth, and Isla from the stairs staring at me. I also see the twins staring at me, Jade and Hazel. The whole family is in one room. That's a first. 

"Seth are you okay," I ask, not even looking at him. 

"Yes. I'm okay, Hunter."


"You shouldn't have done that. Not in front of the kids."

"You know what. You're right. Next time he can hurt everyone in this household."

"Fuck you, Hunter."

"Oh. I though we had to be on best behavior in front of the kids, because I'm not a kid, right? I'm the man of this house, right? I'm the replacement of dad," I know I'm yelling at this point. "I hate this! Why'd he have to die? How could he leave like this?" 

"That's the way it is."

"He's right," Seth whispers. "Why is he our parent?"

"Fuck this," mom runs to our safe and grabs a gun and 1000  dollars. My college money that dad saved. We all look at her in disgust as she leaves the house. What are we going to do, tackle her to get the money back? 

She spins her head around and says, "What? He's going to die in the war anyways." She leaves. I guess I won't be seeing her. I look over and everyone is crying, except me. I need to be strong. For my siblings. 

"Are you really going to die Hunter," Isla asks. All of my sibling runs to me and hug me.

"No, I'll never leave you." 

I explain to them what is happening. 

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