Chapter 1

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Jeffrey has always wanted a little girl. For a while he's considered adopting. He's decided that he's going to the Miss Wilson's Home for Girls today to see if there's any girls he would like to adopt.

Jeffrey's POV:

I'm driving to Miss Wilson's Home for Girls to adopt a daughter. I'm kinda nervous if I'm being honest. Will I be a good father? I hope I will be.

I got to the Home and went in. "Ah you must be Mr Morgan!" A short happy woman, who I'm assuming is Miss Wilson said approaching me. "Yep that's me." "I'll just get the girls." She went upstairs and came back down with about ten teenage girls and a baby that looked just about newborn. The girls introduced themselves, but they were all arguing with each other and they were kinda rude. Miss Wilson kinda wasn't helping with the situation. One of the girls that was holding the baby, well the baby was just crying and screaming. Miss Wilson roughly took her off the teen. Jesus Christ! The baby girl was just screaming worse. "Ummm may I?" I asked reaching my arms out. "Sure. Girls head back upstairs please." Miss Wilson smiled and passed her over as the girls left. As soon as the little girl was in my arms, she stopped crying. I immediately fell in love with her. "She's called Caitlan. She was born last week. Her parents weren't responsible enough to keep her. If you follow me to my office we can discuss if you'd like to adopt one of the girls."

I continued cuddling Caitlan when I sat opposite Miss Wilson. "So would you like to adopt one of the girls?" "Yep. I'd like to adopt Caitlan please." "Fabulous! Let me get the paperwork sorted for you." She got the paperwork out and I signed it. "Congratulations. You're now the legal parent of Caitlan Morgan." She went upstairs and got Caitlan's clothes, baby supplies et cetera. I can't believe I've got a baby girl.

I put Caitlan in her car seat and headed outside to the car. "I think it's time daddy spoiled you sweetheart." I smiled at Caitlan as I put her car seat in the back. I drove to the mall and put Caitlan's car seat in the shopping cart. "Let's have a look at what we can get you darling."

Whilst shopping I ran into Norman Reedus. He's been a good friend of mine for years. "Hey man. What you up to?" He asked looking at the car seat. "I just adopted a baby. She's called Caitlan. All the other girls were teenagers and to be honest they were really rude. If I left Caitlan there, she'd probably would have grown up in the same way." I told him. "I'm happy for ya man. You'll be an amazing dad." "Thanks. Why not come by later for a few drinks?" Norman agreed and we said we'd see each other later.

It's fair to say I've really spoiled my little girl. I got loads of toys and clothes for her. A gorgeous crib and mobile. Some supplies (diapers, stroller, bottles etc) I was considering getting some paint for my spare room, to turn into Caitlan's bedroom but I don't wanna put her in her own room just yet.

So after shopping, I went straight home. I got a pretty big house. Even a swimming pool outside. I put everything in the living room for now. "Welcome home baby girl." I sat on the couch and got Caitlan out of her car seat. "You hungry hm?" I got a baby bottle out and cleaned it before putting the baby formula in and I fed Caitlan. "Wow you are hungry ain't you baby." I smiled at my baby girl drinking her milk. After a few minutes, she dozed off so I put her in her baby basket and went upstairs to set her crib up in my room.

After I set up the crib, I heard a knock at the front door. This woke Caitlan up so I ran downstairs, got Caitlan out of her basket and answered the door. It was Norman. "Hey man. Shit did I wake her up?" He asked. "It's alright. Come on in." We sat in the living room. "So what's it like being a dad? Shitty diapers and all that shit?" He smirked. "It ain't actually that bad. I mean I've only been a dad a few hours but if that means I gotta clean shit up from the carpet or puke off my bedding then I'll do it in a heartbeat because it's for my baby girl." I smiled at Caitlan as she just gazed up at me. "Aww that's a beautiful speech man. Let me just grab some tissues, I feel a few tears." Norman smirked. "Ha ha. Shut up." I laughed. "Fancy ordering a pizza?" I asked and we both agreed.

After we ate pizza we just sat around and had a couple beers. "Can I hold her?" Norman reached his arms out. "You wanna hold my baby girl? Nope." I joked. But I handed Caitlan over and Norman smiled, "come have cuddles with Uncle Norman then." I gave Caitlan her pacifier and she just gazed up at Norman. "So I know you told me about not wanting Caitlan to grow up like those other teens. But if they were all different. Would you still have chose Caitlan?" He asked. That's actually a good question. "Yeah. I'd have still chosen her. She was the only baby there and to be honest I wanna experience the full role of parenting and not skip straight to teenagers. If ya know what I mean."

Norman left about 10pm so I headed upstairs to bed with Caitlan. I changed her diaper, put her into her pyjamas and gave her her night time feed. She fell asleep not long after. No doubt she'll end up keeping me up most nights but hey, my baby girl is always number one priority. When she dozed off I rested her in her crib next to my bed, kissed her small forehead and wrapped her up. I laid on my bed and just happily watched my baby snooze away. "Daddy loves you so much baby girl. Always and forever." I said quietly before dozing off. Today this baby changed my life. So I'm gonna give her the best life she could ever have and be the best dad that she needs.

So that's chapter one of my new story guys! I hope you like it! Feel free to send me your thoughts on if you like it or not. And of course I'm open to suggestions!

Jeffrey Dean Morgan's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now