Chapter 6

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A/N: so this is a bit of a jump but later on in the story I'll do some flashbacks :)

Jeffrey's POV:

So my baby girl is 7. I've just started my role of John Winchester in the new show, Supernatural. I've brought Cait with me and Bisou is with a dog sitter. I'm not going to be in season 1 much but I have my own trailer.

So today we're starting filming. "Do all of today's schoolwork darling then you can come to the set. Deal?" I told Caitlan. I got enough schoolwork from Cait's school to last the filming schedule. "Deal." Cait smiled. "I've gotta go but I'll see you soon darling. Kiss?" Cait got up and gave me a kiss and a huge hug. "See you soon daddy. Love you." "Love you too baby girl." I headed out the trailer as Cait started her school work.

A couple hours later...

So we're in between scenes and I see Cait coming up to me. "You done your work baby girl?" I asked. "Yep. And I kinda did the work for the rest of the week too." She said quietly. "In two hours? Wow." It was fair to say I'm pretty surprised. My Cait is smart, I mean really smart. "What a show off." Jensen said out loud coming up to us. Cait put her tongue out, which Jensen did in return. "Who's the seven year old here?" I chuckled. Cait pointed at Jensen. He looked at me and shrugged. Him and Jared have been great with Cait. She pulls pranks on em and to be fair, she inspires em to pull pranks on others.

As we wrapped up first episode, Jensen sat in his chair and he dozed off. Caitlan whispered something to Jared that I couldn't hear. But Jared was pissing himself laughing. He got a foil tray full of cream and a horn. I know where they're going with this. Jared gave her the cream pie and the horn and she went up to Jensen, pressed the horn and he shit himself. She then threw the pie in his face. Jared was in hysterics. I was pissing myself and Jensen thought it was hilarious. The whole crew did. "Wanna come to my trailer for a few drinks Jeff? It'll be me, Jared and Samantha. We're gonna order in. Bring this one too." Jensen asked and winked at Cait. "Yeah sure. We'll be there in a bit."

I took Cait back to the trailer for a bit. "Bloody hell darling. You've really worked hard today." I saw the amount of work she did. "I might do hell of a lot more this weekend dad. To be honest all this work is pretty easy."  "Well I got this Saturday off so you're not doing anything that day." I picked her up. "Deal." She smiled. "Daddy I wanna be an actress." "Really?" I smiled. "Yep. I know it ain't easy but I work hard." "I know you do darling. I mean I don't want you to be hounded by paparazzi but if you want to act then you act darling. I'll help you baby." Cait gave me a massive hug.

Me and Caitlan went over to Jensen's trailer. Jared and Samantha were already there. "Hey guys." Sam smiled. I sat down on the sofa and Cait ended up on my knee. "So the pizza is ordered. Got some cake for afterwards." Jensen said happily. Jared rolled his eyes. "What? Cake is always a must." He shrugged.  "So what do you like to do Caitlan, when you ain't doing schoolwork or pulling pranks on these two." Sam asked. "I like spending time with dad and our dog Bisou mainly. I like to listen to music. I prefer classics though. Thanks to dad." Cait said happily. "Do ya like Carry On Wayward Son? That's the show's soundtrack." Jared asked. "We love it." Cait said. Jensen then put the song on. Caitlan then began singing with it. I've heard her sing before and she's amazing. She's just shy usually. But she really came out of her shell. Jensen, Jared and Samantha were surprised. "Wow. You've got a beautiful voice." Sam told Cait. "Thanks." Caitlan replied. "I love singing but I wanna act." "Well we can talk to Robert Singer and get you as an extra on the show?" Jared suggested. "Can I Daddy?" Cait asked excited. "I suppose so." I winked at her. "I'll go get him, I think he's in his trailer." Jensen said and left the trailer.

He came back with Robert a few mins later. "So Jensen tells me you'd like to be an extra?" He asked. Cait nodded shyly. "Well I actually have a different role for ya. I haven't casted the role yet but I'm thinking John has a daughter that Sam and Dean didn't know about. She's introduced when we see John at Missouri's. And well Sam and Dean meet her later in the season. Obviously she ain't Mary's but depending on how many seasons we get to make, we find out about her mother later down the line. I'm thinking she's half witch. The role is yours if you want it?" "Can I Daddy? Pretty please." Cait asked. "Of course." I smiled. "I'll have to let your school know but you're a brain box anyway." I got a huge hug off Cait. Nothing makes me happier than my little girl being happy.

The pizza arrived not long after Robert headed back to his trailer. We had pepperoni. We mainly talked about filming and Cait was excited to be part of the team. Jensen got the cake out and we all had a slice. Jared shoved it in Jensen's face and well Jensen had cake smothered around his nose and mouth. Cait was giggling like mad.

We all had a good laugh to be fair. It was about 9pm and Jensen nodded towards Cait. She was fast asleep. "Go get her to bed Jeff." Sam whispered. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." I said quietly. I got up off the sofa and carried Cait, who had her head rested on my shoulder.

When I got back into our trailer, I put on the heating as it was freezing in there. I changed Cait into her pyjamas and put her in bed. I made sure she was wrapped up well. I got into my pyjamas and had a coffee before getting into bed. I got in next to Cait and she snuggled into me. I wrapped my arms around her and cuddled my baby girl as I fell asleep myself. Tomorrow I'm going to write a letter to the school to make them aware that Cait is starting to act in the show. I'm gonna do everything I can to make my baby's dreams come true.

That's chapter 6 guys! I hope y'all like it!

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