Chapter 3

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Jeffrey's POV:

Wow. My baby girl is one today. In just over a week, it will have been a year since I became her daddy. I'm having a party for her today. Only a small one. I've asked the parents of the babies at the play group that I take Caitlan to to come along today. And Norman is coming along too. I haven't really had any acting jobs over the past year. So I've been able to spend every single day with my baby girl. She's able to walk now too. Caitlan is growing up too fast and I don't like it.

I woke up to Cait laying down on my chest cuddled up to me. Although last night I did put her in her crib. She must have climbed out on to my bed and cuddled up to me ... again. Climbing seems to be a fun habit of hers. "Morning baby girl." I smiled at her. "Dada!" She said happily. "Happy Birthday sweetheart." I kissed her head. We laid cuddled up for a good while before I took her downstairs. "I think pancakes for breakfast. What do you reckon eh?" Cait clapped her hands happily. I chuckled and made me and my baby girl a huge stack of pancakes. We had just about everything on it: chocolate, syrup, sprinkles, fruit. The works! It's fair to say, we demolished them pancakes. Well kinda. Cait's face is covered. "Let's get you cleaned up missy." I chuckled. I wiped Caitlan's face and took her in the living room to open her presents.

I got her an adorable teddy which she fell in love with as soon as she opened it. She cuddled it happily. My heart just warmed up seeing how happy she is. "Dada." She smiled cuddling up to me. That's the only word she likes to say. But I knew she meant thank you. "You're welcome baby girl. I kissed her head. She loved all of her gifts. A fair amount of toys and clothes. I got her a leather jacket too, I could tell she liked it as soon as she saw it. Like father like daughter.

Norman came an hour before the party to help set up. He got Cait a little trike that's designed like a Harley Davison. I don't know who liked it more. Me or Caitlan. Before I adopted Cait, me and Norm would always go out for rides on our motorbikes. I've missed it, but looking after my baby girl is always number one. "That's amazing man. Thanks. She loves it." I hugged Norman, which he returned. "You're welcome." He smiled.

Me and Norman did pretty good setting everything up. Thankfully my yard is huge. I've blocked off the pool so that nobody falls in. We put up the bouncy house, set up the food and managed to put out the cake without dropping it! Norman picked up the cake for me yesterday: chocolate, shaped in a number 1 with Caitlan's name on it. With a cute little teddy sat on it. I haven't shown her it yet, because she will probably try eating it. But I know she'll love it.

Once everyone arrived, the kids had hell a lot of fun. Cait came running up to me. "Dada." "What's wrong baby girl?" I picked her up. "Bowce" she pointed at the bouncy house. "You want me to bounce with ya darling?" She clapped her hands happily. "Come on then." I smiled. I took her in the bouncy house and she was giggling like crazy. I had to be careful because of the other babies on there but it was fun. Plus hearing my little girl laugh is music to my ears. Nothing makes me happier than seeing my baby girl happy. Norman was stood there pissing himself laughing. Knowing Norman though, he'll end up on here when all the kids leave.

We sang Happy Birthday to Caitlan. She didn't know what was going on but she just cuddled into me shyly. I helped her blow out the candle and everyone had a slice of cake. I fed Cait hers and she loved it.

After everyone left, Cait fell asleep on the sofa. So me and Norman cleaned up. It didn't take us very long to get everything clean and tidy, then being the big kids we are: we ended up diving into the bouncy house. I've no clue how long we were bouncing for but I saw Cait trying to get on with us. "Dada." She shouted. I went to the entrance and pulled her on. She was giggling like crazy. Me and Norman told her to lay down and she was flying around everywhere as we bounced. Obviously, we didn't bounce her too high as we didn't wanna hurt her.

It's about 9pm and we're just chilling out in the living room. I got Caitlan bathed and into some of her new pyjamas. She's sat cuddled up to me, cuddling her new teddy, having her bottle. Norman came in with a couple beers. Once I had a gulp of mine, Cait dropped her bottle and reached for my beer. "You can't have daddy's drink baby." I laughed but she started crying. I got her pacifier and put the smallest bit of beer on it and put it in Cait's mouth. It's fair to say she didn't spit it out and cuddled back into me.

Norman left at about 11pm. So I took Cait upstairs to bed. I put her in bed with me tonight. I wrapped us both up in the quilt and I cuddled my little girl. "You've been spoiled today haven't you missy." I stroked my baby's face as she looked up at me tiredly. "You're so worth it though baby." I smiled and she climbed up onto my chest and gave me a kiss. "Thank you baby." I gave her a kiss and she fell asleep cuddled into me, snuggling her new teddy. I fell asleep cuddling my baby girl.

One week later:

Wow. A year ago today I signed those papers and Caitlan became my baby girl. How has it gone by so quick?

I decided to take Cait into town. She's still so bloody tiny. I brought her stroller with us. Cait is fast asleep, bless her. There were a couple of kids selling puppies. "How much are you selling them for?" I asked. "$300 sir." I saw one at the bottom of the box that hadn't even opened her eyes yet. "I have $20 can I have the one that won't make it through please?" One of the kids picked up  the tiny puppy and handed her to me and I gave them the twenty dollars.

I went to the vets (Caitlan still sleeping in her stroller) to get the pup checked out. The vet said she can make it, if she's taken care right.

I took my girls home. Cait woke up and she was really interested in the pup. "Can you say doggy, baby?" I asked her. She smiled up at me. "Doyyey". "Close enough baby girl." I chuckled. Cait sat herself next to me and the puppy looked at her. She started sniffing towards her. I placed her on Cait's knee and well Cait adored her. She started to sniff her way up to Caitlan's face and started licking Cait. "She loves you sweetheart. She's giving you kisses." I smiled as Caitlan giggled. Then I thought of a name for the pup. Bisou. Which is French for 'kiss'.

I got two bottles sorted. I think if I bottle feed Bisou, it'll help her. I gave Cait her bottle and she cuddled into me. Bisou didn't wanna move off Caitlan, so I bottle fed her as she snuggled up. These two are probably gonna be trouble together. But they're my girls. Nothing can change that.

That's chapter 3 guys! I hope you like it! I'm open to suggestions too!

Jeffrey Dean Morgan's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now