Chapter 14

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Jeffrey's POV:

Freddie is a couple weeks old now. Caitlan loves having cuddles with her baby brother. And he loves having cuddles with his big sister. They're inseparable and the fur babies cuddle up to them too.

Me and Hilarie decided to cook dinner together. We put Freddie in his bouncy chair and Cait was on the sofa watching tv. "I'm gonna just check on em babe." Hilarie said before leaving the kitchen. When she came back she had a huge smile on her face. "You gotta come see this." I was confused but followed her into the living room and my heart warmed up. Cait was laid on the sofa fast asleep, with Freddie cuddled up on her chest snoozing away. There were cushions on the floor right next to the sofa. Caitlan must have laid them down in case Freddie fell off. But it's obvious he won't because Caitlan is cuddling him like crazy. Me and Hilarie took a few photos before heading back into the kitchen.

We made lasagne for dinner. "Who's gonna wake Cait up?" I whispered. Me and Hilarie were stood in front of the sofa. "Well we know as soon as we put Freddie in his basket, that'll wake her up. She's too protective of her baby brother." She replied. "So should we settle this as responsible adults and parents?" I asked. Hilarie nodded. We looked at each other and then started to play rock, paper, scissors. I lost (Hil did rock, I did scissors). Hilarie smirked and watched as I gently lifted Freddie off of Caitlan and gently placed him in his basket. Cait actually didn't abruptly wake up. I crouched down and stroked Cait's face. "Wake up darling. Dinner's ready." I said quietly. She slowly woke up. "Come on baby, let's eat." I smiled.

We ate dinner pretty quick. Caitlan loves our homemade lasagne. Freddie slept through dinner too. "You enjoy that Caity?" I smiled. "Always daddy." She replied. "Is that lot around your mouth for later then?" Hilarie teased. "Maybe." Cait giggled.

After dinner we sat in the living room and Seahawk's were playing so we watched. "Daddy I don't feel well." Cait moaned in pain. "Why don't you get your pyjamas on and get to bed babygirl? I'll bring you up a glass of water and the bucket just in case." Cait nodded and headed upstairs. After a couple minutes I heard little footsteps running to the bathroom, and what sounded like my little girl puking.

I went upstairs and put the water in Cait's room. I took the bucket into the bathroom. "Come on baby. Let's get you in bed." I said quietly. She was vomiting like crazy into the bucket. Once she was in bed I wrapped her up. I planted a kiss on her forehead before heading back downstairs.

At about 10pm we headed upstairs to bed (we put Freddie to bed about 8pm) and all we've heard all evening is Cait puking like crazy, bless her. "I'll stay in Cait's bed tonight Hil. I don't wanna leave her on her own when she's this bad." I told Hil and Hilarie agreed. So I got my pyjamas on and went in Cait's room. "Hey babygirl. Want me to stay in here tonight?" "Y-you sure d-daddy?" She choked before puking more. "Positive. Shift up." I smiled. I put my arm around her and cuddled my baby girl all night. She was puking up until 4am. "I'm sorry daddy." She said upset. "You've nothing to be sorry for sweetheart. You can't help being poorly. You try and get some sleep." I whispered and gave Cait a kiss on her head. "Love you daddy." She yawned. "Love you too baby girl. Always and forever." I whispered. I fell asleep cuddling my Cait. I gently rubbed her stomach to help ease the pain as we fell asleep. I hate it when she's ill. It's the one thing I'm dreading when Freddie's older. But I know Caitlan will help me and Hilarie look after him when he's ill. But right now, I wanna focus on helping Caitlan feel better.

That's this chapter guys. Hope y'all like it

Jeffrey Dean Morgan's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now