Chapter 25

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Jeff's POV:

It's the final day! As much as we all love comic con, we can't wait to get back home. We're going home the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow, us, The Walking Dead and Supernatural family are just having a day together.

We've just finished our morning slot of autographs. We got a Supernatural interview after lunch. "What shall we do Cait?" I asked as we got up from our table. "Grab a burger and have a little wander?" She suggested. "Sounds like a plan."

We both got a burger and just had a look at the different vendors. We grabbed merch from a few different fandoms that we love: obviously Walking Dead and Supernatural but also Marvel and Game of Thrones.

After we had lunch, we went for our Supernatural interview with our cast members. The interview was with Kevin Smith. "So we're here with the Supernatural cast, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Caitlan Morgan, Ruth Connell, Mark Sheppard, Misha Collins, Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Samantha Smith!" "Hey." We all said simultaneously. "So Caitlan, you grew up on the show and you ended up home schooled but had work sent from the school. What was that like?" "It actually wasn't that bad. If I needed a bit of assistance, the school would let me video chat them, but it rarely happened. I'd confuse Jared and Jensen on how I'd work so quick, even between takes I'd quiz them and you could see them trying so hard to work it out. It was funny." "Did you ever manage to work any of them out?" Kevin asked. Both Jared and Jensen shook their heads. "All these people are amazing though, they'd sit in the trailer with me to keep me company. If dad was elsewhere, Ruth and Sam would come stay in the trailer with me to make sure I'm ok. I love all these people in this room. They're family." Cait smiled and we all group hugged. "Sam, when Mary was brought back and found out she had a stepdaughter, what do ya think was going on in her thoughts at first?" Kevin asked. "Well obviously, she didn't seem too happy about it. I mean she just found out that her husband had a child with someone else-" "Good job she doesn't know about Adam then." Cait smirked. "Funny Cait. Well Mary is abit hostile at first. But after a while, she realises it isn't her fault so Mary doesn't wanna take it out on her anymore and just becomes an amazing stepmom." Sam shrugged. "Well she's a co-mom. When Rowena is out doing her Witchy business, Mary stands in as a mother figure and I think Rowena is grateful for that." Cait smiled and Ruth nodded, agreeing. "Does this mean I'm off the hook?" I joked, which we all laughed.

We finally finished! In our hotel room, we have a kitchen so everyone is gonna come and Hilarie said she's gonna cook.

When we got back, Cait sat on the sofa and began to doze. "Cait sweetheart, go lay down for a bit." I said quietly and Cait went in the bedroom for nap. "Cakey ok daddy?" Freddie asked worriedly. "Yeah buddy, she's just tired." I smiled.

Hil just did something simple for dinner, bacon and eggs. "Come on Freddie, let's go wake Cait up." I smiled and Freddie ran straight into the bedroom. He stroked Cait's face gently. "Cakey. Dinner ready." Caitlan woke up, and smiled. "Hey kiddo. Let's eat." She lifted Freddie up and gave me a hug before going back in the other room.

After we all ate, we just lounged about talking about both shows. "So Angela, what you got in mind for next season?" Norm asked. "Well I was thinking a little romance spark between Lily and Carl." She smirked. "Shoulda seen that one coming." Cait laughed, which made everyone else laugh.

Freddie fell asleep cuddled up to Cait and everyone left about 9pm. "Come on, let's get to bed." Hil yawned. Cait rested Freddie on her chest as she fell asleep and he just cuddled into his big sis, whilst they both snoozed away. Both me and Hil wrapped our arms over Freddie and Cait and we fell asleep cuddled up to our babies.

The next day, everyone came to our room. We all had a good laugh and just wandered around San Diego. Some fans obviously asked for photos, which we didn't mind but some got right in our faces and it was a bit too much for Freddie. Cait immediately got him out of the crowds though. She really is an amazing big sister.

As much as this weekend has been fun, we really can't wait to get back home and back to our fur babies.

That's this chapter guys! Hope ya like it

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