Chapter 7

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Jeffrey's POV:

So we've just finished season 1 of Supernatural. Everyone loves Cait. She's an amazing actress. Her school got back to us and they're ok with Cait working on set. Both myself and the school arranged that Caitlan can do school work on set/at home and get it sent to the school to get marked. The school said they'll get in touch with education officers so that Caitlan can do this up until when she graduates high school.

Caitlan's teachers are surprised with the amount of work we send weekly. Each month they send us sheets for her to work off and she is a very quick learner and she can do a whole month's amount of work within two weeks. And that's between shooting and spending time with me. Proud is definitely an understatement.

The cast and crew are having a party tonight to celebrate the first season. There'll be a premier when it comes out but this is just at Robert's house. Tomorrow, me and Cait are heading back home.

Me and Caitlan are in our trailer getting ready. Robert told us not to dress up, just come in casual clothes. I just had jeans and a shirt on. And Cait had a plaid top and leggings on. Both of us with our leather jackets on. "I'm so proud of you darling." I said. "Back at ya daddy" She smiled. I lifted her up and gave her a kiss.

We got to Robert's and everyone else was there. Jensen and Jared saw us straight away. Jared lifted Caitlan up. "Don't you dare drop me!" She warned but she couldn't say it with a straight face.

It was a good night to be honest. Jared and Jensen dragged Cait to dance. They made idiots out of themselves, but Caitlan thought it was hilarious. Me and Cait left about 10pm because our flight was at 3am. So Robert told us to bring our luggage with us and we could head straight to the airport.

We got to the airport about 11:00 and we managed to get all luggage sorted by 11:45. I got Cait and myself a drink each and waited for our flight to be called. "Daddy I'm tired." Cait yawned, so I lifted her on to my knee. "Get some sleep darling." Well within a few seconds, she dozed off.

When our flight was called, my baby girl was still snoozing away so when we were seated I just kept her on my knee. She woke up halfway through the flight. "Hey there sleepyhead." I kissed the top of her head. For the rest of the flight, she stayed cuddled up to me. I wasn't fussed, I don't mind having cuddles with my baby girl. Even on cramped airplanes.

When we got back home it was about 7:30am, since Bisou comes back this evening, we decided to just go to bed. "Can I sleep in your bed daddy?" "You know you don't have to ask darling." We went upstairs, got our pyjamas on and went straight to bed.

At around 6pm, the sitter brought Bisou home. She immediately dived on Cait and licked her face.  "Oi, daddy missed you too you know." I said and then she pounced onto me.

A couple months later...

So tonight's the season 1 premiere of Supernatural. Thankfully it's here in New York. I had a suit fitted and Caitlan had an adorable purple dress. "You're growing up too fast darling. I don't like it." I said to her as we got in the car that picked us up. "I'll always be your baby girl though daddy." She smiled up at me. "I know that sweetheart." I leant over and kissed the top of her head.

When we got to the location of the premiere, there were loads of fans screaming and shouting at us all. Cait was a bit weary as she hadn't really been to an event like this, but she quickly got used to it.

The premiere was brilliant. The fans loved it and the cast and crew loved it. Although Caitlan wasn't in the first few episodes, I know that many of us were looking forward to joining us on the screen.

That's chapter 7 guys! Hope y'all like it

Jeffrey Dean Morgan's DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora