Chapter 17

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Jeff's POV:

Cait's eyes slowly opened. "Cakey?" Freddie sat up looking at his big sis. Caitlan immediately brought him into a hug. "Hey Freddie." She smiled through tears. She then looked at me and Hil, but immediately looked away. It broke my heart even more. "Come on Freddie why don't we go get some candy?" Hilarie suggested and Freddie got excited. Hilarie and Freddie left the room so I could talk to Cait.

"Caity, I'm so sorry. I should never have treated you like that and should have listened to you. He did this to you didn't he?" Cait closed her eyes and nodded. "I'm sorry for what I said to you daddy, I didn't mean to hurt you." She sobbed. "Hey it's ok baby. Look at me. I was an ass. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions and talked to you like that. You're my baby girl. It hurt me more knowing what happened to you darling." I sat on the bed and brought my Cait into a hug. "I'm sorry I didn't listen." I couldn't stop the tears. "It's ok daddy." "It isn't though. If I listened to you, we wouldn't be here right now." "Daddy, you didn't know this would happen. Don't blame yourself." Cait continued crying, which obviously didn't help me to stop my tears. "I love you daddy." I kissed her head. "I love you too baby girl. So fucking much. Never forget that."

Hilarie and Freddie came back in. Freddie had quite a bit of candy. "Me share wiv Cakey!" He said happily. The nurse came in and said that they wanted to keep Cait in for a few days. "I'm staying with her. Not a chance in hell im leaving her." I told the nurse and a few minutes later they brought in another bed for me to sleep on.

Cait and Freddie were eating the candy, nothing makes me happier than seeing my babies happy. My phone kept going off, as did Hilarie's. Our Twitter feeds are full of paparazzi and fans sharing photos and videos of Caitlan's attack. I instantly sent a tweet out saying: those of you sending me and @HilarieBurton videos and photos of our daughter being attacked, either delete them or stop sending them because we don't wanna see our daughter getting attacked! If we see another, we will be blocking those who send us them!

Hilarie retweeted my tweet and just left it there. "How you feeling sweetie?" Hilarie asked. "My head kills and I'm in pain. Thankfully no stomach ache from pigging out on the candy though." Cait managed a small smile. Hilarie got the nurse and she gave Caitlan some painkillers.

Me, Hilarie and Freddie went home (Freddie didn't wanna leave Cait. It broke his heart having to leave his big sis). I picked up a few days worth of clothes and other supplies before heading back to the hospital. "You ok baby girl?" I sat on the bed next to Cait's and put my arm around her. "I just feel awful still daddy. For saying I'm just your adopted daughter." She had tears in her eyes. "Oh darling. Don't feel awful. It's in the past. I knew you didn't mean it sweetheart. We both said stuff we didn't mean. I never want you to think you're just my adopted daughter. Because you aren't. You're so much more than that. You're my baby girl, my daughter and the best decision I've ever made. And I wouldn't have you any other way. Well right now I'd prefer you wasn't in hospital but you know what I mean." I said as I wiped her tears and she laughed. "Thanks daddy. I'm glad I'm your daughter." She smiled up at me. "Me too baby girl. Let's try and get some sleep eh?" Cait fell asleep in my arms, and I fell asleep cuddling my daughter. I never wanna let go. She's safe in my arms and I'm not gonna let any arsehole hurt her again.

The next day, Hilarie and Freddie came and stayed the full day. He brought some of his and Cait's favourite dvds and had a dvd day. The nurses think that tomorrow might be Cait's last night in the hospital so fingers crossed.

Cait felt hell of a lot better on her last day. She's still in a lot of pain but she's getting there. Thankfully the current Supernatural season was completed before this happened. As well as Hil and Freddie spending the day with us, Jensen, Misha, Jared, Gen, Daneel, Norman, Mark, Sam and Ruth came to see Cait. Ruth is cast as Rowena on the show. And since Cait's character is half witch, Rowena is her mom. "Paparazzi is terrible out there." Jensen sighed sitting down. "They're still out there?? Jeez" I shook my head. We all had a good time, despite the situation. Everyone really cheered Cait up. What she doesn't know though is that when she goes home tomorrow, we've arranged a surprise welcome home party for her. Yes she's only been in hospital a few days but we wanna cheer her up a bit more.

The next day, Cait got discharged and we could finally get home. As we got towards the doors of the hospital, Cait stopped. "What's wrong darling?" I asked concerned. "I know I'm used to the paparazzi but just with my head still hurting and that I kinda feel anxious." She said quietly. I took hold of her hand, carefully though due to the cast on her arm. "I got ya baby girl. Don't worry." I smiled. We walked out and we were hounded by the paparazzi. I pulled Caitlan close. "Ouch my arm daddy." She winced in pain. "Sorry baby. Come on let's get you to the car." We finally got to the car and I felt awful. "I'm so sorry baby girl I didn't mean to." I panicked. "It's ok. Really. Let's get home." She smiled at me.

Once we got in, everyone was there. Cait was speechless. She sat down and Freddie immediately sat on her knee. "How ya feeling sweetie?" Ruth asked her. "In a bit of pain but feels good to be home." Cait smiled. I checked my phone and fans were tweeting pics from paparazzi of when I accidentally hurt Cait's arm. "This is getting ridiculous." I groaned. Cait got her phone out (with difficulty) but managed to tweet: those of you tweeting the pics from the paparazzi at the hospital, my dad was trying to get me away from it all. He did not in any way hurt me. My arms are broken! @JeffreyDeanMorgan 💜

I smiled at Cait and liked her tweet. We had a really fun night. We all took some fun photos. I took a photo of Cait, Hil and Ruth and Cait posted it on Twitter, with the caption 'me with my moms! On and off screen! 💜'. Both Ruth and Hil retweeted the pic. We all shared pics from the night.

Everyone left about 12am. Freddie actually fell asleep downstairs around 9pm. We thought we'd let him stay up abit later just for tonight and he has his own room now but he always climbs in with Cait. Around 1am we headed up, we told Cait she can stay with us in our room tonight and she wanted to. The three of us got into our pjs, Hilarie helped Cait and got in bed. "Love you mom and dad." Cait yawned. "Love you too darling." Hil said. "Love you too baby girl." I smiled. Me and Hilarie wrapped our arms around Cait as we fell asleep. No doubt Freddie will run in in a few hours but that doesn't bother us. Me and Hil love having our babies in our bed with us. We know they're safe  when they're with us and we'd never change that.

That's chapter 17 guys! Hope y'all like it.8

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