Chapter 9

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Jeffrey's POV:

Me and Hilarie have been dating for 3 months now. She always loves spending time with Caitlan. We're like the three musketeers... well four, including Bisou. Although we've been together only three months, I'm gonna ask Cait first but I'm gonna ask Hil to move in with us.

Me and Cait are sat on the sofa. "Cait, what would you think if I asked Hilarie to move in with us." I asked. Caitlan's face lit up. "I'd love her to!" She said happily.

Hilarie came over to ours about 5pm. We're gonna order pizza. "I've got something to ask you Hil." I said as the three of us sat in the living room. "Go ahead." She smiled. "Me and Cait want to know if you'll move in with us?" I asked. "I'd love to!" She said happily. "Umm this is for you." Caitlan nervously handed something to Hil. I don't know what it is but Hilarie said, "of course. If it's alright with your dad?" She handed me the piece of paper which read: 'I know you and daddy haven't been together very long but I was wondering if you would be my mom?' My heart warmed up. "That's ok with me." I smiled. "So I can call you mom?" Cait asked excitedly. "Course you can." Hilarie replied. Caitlan squealed happily and gave Hilarie a huge hug. "So what pizza shall we order?" Hilarie asked. "Pepperoni." Me and Caitlan said simultaneously. "Can tell you two are father and daughter." She laughed.

Whilst we ate, we put on Mary Poppins. It's one of Caitlan's favourites. Cait loves musicals. So does Hilarie. Cait must have watched Mary Poppins at least a thousand times over the years, but each time she watches it, she loves it more and more. "Daddy, now that I have a mommy you can go on more rides with Uncle Norman." Cait smiled. "I know darling. I will still go on rides with Uncle Norman but I'd rather be with my baby girl more." I smiled back.

I got a text from mine and Cait's agent. There's a Supernatural con in Vegas next month and they want us to be guests. "We're off to Vegas next month Cait. A Supernatural con." I told Caitlan. "Awesome. Can mom come?" She asked excitedly. "If she wants to." I said. "Count me in." Hilarie smiled.

We all went to bed at the same time. Cait got in bed with me and Hil. And of course Bisou jumped on the bed. "Night daddy." Cait kissed my cheek, which I returned. "Night baby girl." "Night mom." She smiled and kissed Hilarie's cheek. "Night sweetheart." She kissed Cait's head. Bisou climbed on Cait and licked her face. "Night Bisou." She giggled. Bisou rested her head on Cait as we all fell asleep.

A month later...

Me, Cait and Hil are getting ready to go to Vegas. Hilarie has fully moved in now and we've filled forms out to make her legally Caitlan's mom.

We dropped Bisou off at the dog sitter yesterday and we're now on the way to the airport. It was a half hour cab ride before we got there. We got checked in alright and we have a couple hours before the flight. It's quite early so we grabbed some food. Some fans spotted us and asked for a photo. The three of us agreed to the pic - although we're shattered we love the fans.

The flight was four hours long. Cait was sat between me and Hil and she fell asleep not long after we took off. When we landed, our driver was waiting for us so we headed to our hotel which was right next to the Convention Centre. We went up to our room and Caitlan was yawning like crazy. "You still tired baby girl?" I asked and she nodded. "Go on. Get some sleep. Me and mom aren't going anywhere." I told her and she got in bed and fell asleep immediately. "I think she's saving energy to prank Jensen and Jared." I smirked. "They all prank each other don't they?" Hilarie laughed. "Oh yeah. Last year we went to a con in Florida. Cait bought a clown mask and she crashed Jensen and Jared's panel and scared the shit outta em." I chuckled. Hilarie was in stitches.

Caitlan was asleep a good hour and there was a knock at the door. It was Jensen, Jared, Misha and Mark. "Shh Cait's asleep." I whispered. They all said hi to Hil and we all just sat around. Cait woke up about ten minutes later. She screamed. "Oh wait no, it's only you guys." She smirked. She got out of bed and gave the four of them a hug. "So we're all being shown where we'll all be set up over the weekend soon. As far as I'm aware it's us just us six and Samantha. I think we're waiting for Sam to arrive then we're heading over to the centre." Jensen told us. "Awesome." Cait smiled. "You've not brought any clown masks this time have ya?" Jared asked suspiciously. "Nah. Gotta think of something else though." She smirked.

Once Sam got to the hotel, we all got took to the convention centre. We got shown to where our tables are. Caitlan's is joined on to mine. We both get a lot of fans seeing us at conventions but I prefer to have my little girl with me. And then photo ops, we've been told that we're doing full group ops, singular ops, me and Cait have a duo op and we have one with Jared and Jensen (both together and alone) and then me, Jensen, Jared and Sam. It's gonna be a long weekend. But me and Cait love meeting the fans.

After our little tour of the convention centre it was getting to dinner time so we all grabbed some food at a restaurant nearby. Thankfully we had guards with us and we had part of the restaurant cornered off so the lot of us could enjoy a meal without being hounded by the paparazzi. We were there a good couple of hours. After we ate, we just sat and had a good chat. "Daddy I'm tired." Cait yawned. "It's the whiskey that Jensen gave me." She smirked. We all knew she was joking and we laughed. "I'll get ya this weekend, don't worry Cait." Jensen winked. "Bring it." Cait said confidently but then yawned. "Save it for the weekend kids." I chuckled. "We'll be heading back to the room soon. But if you want, sit on my knee and if you doze off, I'll carry you back." Cait got off her chair and sat on my knee. "Still a daddy's girl I see." Sam smiled. "Always." Cait smiled back as she cuddled into me. Not long after she fell asleep.

We all headed back to the hotel. I carried Cait because she was fast asleep still. We all said good night and me and Hil went into our room and got Caitlan in her pyjamas and put her in the middle of the bed. We got into our own pyjamas, gave Cait a kiss on her head before giving each other a kiss and going to sleep. Cait snuggled into me as usual and both me and Hil wrapped our arms around our little girl. Roll on the Supernatural con!

So I'll continue the convention part on the next chapter. Remember this fanfic is completely fictional (well the names aren't but you know what I mean) so no criticisms if it isn't exactly correct etc please. But I hope you're enjoying up to now!

Jeffrey Dean Morgan's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now