Chapter 22

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Jeffrey's POV:

Cait is 2. She loves motorbikes - just like her old man. Obviously she's too small to go on rides with me and Norman, but I sit her on my Harley in the garage and she absolutely loves it. I also take it in the yard and just push it about with her sitting on, sometimes with me sitting on it and pushing it along around the yard. "You having fun darling?" I saw a huge smile on her face. "Yeah dada!" Seeing my baby girl happy just shows I'm doing a great job being a dad.

At around noon, Cait was yawning like crazy. "Think it's time for your afternoon nap Caity?" I asked lifting her off the Harley. She rubbed her eyes and nodded. I took her inside, Bisou was snoozing away on the floor. I laid Caitlan down on the sofa. "Do you want daddy to go get teddy for ya sweetheart?" "Yes pease dada." She said quietly. I went upstairs and got Cait's teddy. When I came back down, Caitlan was fast asleep. I gently put her teddy next to her and she cuddled it instantly. I wrapped my baby girl up in her blanket and gently kissed her forehead.

Caitlan is an extremely heavy sleeper so I put my Aerosmith CD on for a bit, obviously not loud. I started to doze off in my chair but a few minutes later, I heard a small thud and sniffles. Cait rolled off the couch. I immediately got up and picked my baby girl up off of the floor. "Owww my head dada." She sobbed. I sat down and just cradled my little girl in my arms. "I know, my poor baby." I took her into the kitchen and gave her some medicine to help with the pain. "I say we have some ice cream. What do ya reckon eh?" I winked at my baby girl and a huge smile beamed on her face and she clapped happily.

I did me and Cait a bowl of ice cream each and she sat on my knee as she demolished hers. Although it was a lovely day, Caitlan started shivering. "You cold baby girl?" "Bit dada." She replied. I grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around her and I cuddled her to warm her up. "You'll warm up in no time sweetheart." Cait just smiled up at me. That smile just melts my heart. "Me have some miwk pease dada?" Cait whispered. "Course ya can Caity."  I planted a kiss on her head and laid her on the couch as I went in the kitchen and put some milk in her bottle. When I sat back down, Bisou was still asleep on the floor and Cait crawled back on my knee. "Thank you dada." She said quietly as I gave her her milk. "You're welcome baby girl."

About twenty minutes later, I could smell a horrid fart. "Ugh is that stinky coming from you Cait?" I asked messing about. "No. Beewoo did it." She smirked pointed at Bisou. "Uh huh sure." I winked. Not long after, Cait dozed back off cuddling into me. I love having cuddles with my baby girl.

That's this flashback guys! Hope ya like it

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