Chapter 21

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Jeffrey's POV:

Caitlan has just turned 18! Why is she growing up too fast? Next week she graduates. We're hiring out a restaurant for a meal and we're heading back home for a graduation party for her afterwards. Obviously, our Supernatural family are coming to Cait's graduation and so is Norman and Andy. The rest of the Walking Dead cast are meeting us at the restaurant.

We drove up to the school, Cait is already at the school, I dropped her off as she had to be there earlier. Me, Hilarie and Freddie got out the car and we met up with Ruth, Mark, Jensen, Jared, Misha, Samantha, Norman, Daneel, Genevieve and Andy. We all went to our seats waiting for the graduation to start.

Caitlan's POV:

I'm waiting to get called up. I'm so nervous. Then the principal called out "Caitlan Morgan". I heard loads of cheers which obviously is my family. I walked up and got my diploma looked out to the crowd and saw my family shouting and cheering. I smiled at them all before heading back to my seat.

After the graduation finished, we all threw our caps in the air (I decorated mine saying 'I am Negan, I'm a Winchester, I am a Morgan'). Then I went to my family who all gave me a huge hug immediately. "I'm so proud of you baby" dad kissed my head. "Thanks daddy." I smiled. "We're all proud of you kiddo." Uncle Norman came over with the others. Dad asked one of the teachers to take a group photo of us all, which she did and then we just messed about taking some fun photos too.

Everyone came to ours so I could get changed and we all go to the restaurant together. Mom and dad won't tell me how we're getting there. I got changed into my glittery red maxi dress. Thankfully my hair and makeup was already done and I just put some black heels on and got my purse with some money and put my phone in.

We all went outside and there was a party bus. "I thought we should go to the restaurant in style." Dad smiled. I gave him a huge hug. "Thanks daddy." We all got into the bus and the music was really loud but it was fun. Dad sat opposite me and I was between mom and Ruth.

We all ended up having fun. Freddie got up dancing about (and falling) and then he climbed up on my knee. And of course we took loads of photos.

When we got to the restaurant we all sat down, and ordered drinks. I got a coke. Then we all ordered food. Me and dad obviously got steak. "So what you thinking of doing now you've graduated Caitlan? Going to college? Moving out?" Daneel asked. "I don't want Cakey to move out!" Freddie said a bit upset. "Hey, I'm going nowhere." I smiled at Freddie. "I'm happy with acting. I mean I don't wanna let my mom and dad down if I don't go to college." "Hey, don't ever think you're letting us down Cait. We're oh so proud of you. If you don't want to move out or go to college then that's fine with us." Mom assured me. After we ate I took Freddie to buy an ice cream at the bar. I paid for them both and I heard Freddie cry. "I dropped my ice cream." Oh bless him. He's really upset. "Hey, I'll get you another one. It's ok." I brought him into a hug and I bought another ice cream for my little brother. But I carried it back to the table before giving him it.

Jeffrey's POV:

"I'd have bought him the replacement ice cream Cait." I said as Cait handed Freddie his ice cream and wiping away his tears. "Nah it's ok dad. I'm allowed to spoil my baby brother every now and then." She replied with a smile. I kissed her head and we all just sat around, we all ended up getting an ice cream before heading back home.

When we got home, Hilarie fed the fur babies and we all sat in the living room. Since Cait is 18 and that she's graduated, we've decided to let her have a few drinks with us. "Thank you all for today." She said to all of us. "None of us would miss your graduation sweetie, you know that." Ruth winked at her.

We all had a good few drinks. Cait was kinda tipsy but she didn't go overboard. She whispered something to Freddie and they ran upstairs. "Should we be worrying?" I chuckled. The next thing we know, we hear Cait and Freddie screaming and laughing, they were mattress surfing down the stairs. We couldn't help but laugh. I stood up trying to look like an angry dad (it was impossible to do) as I walked up to my babies, who in fact were still giggling. "I'm next" I ran up the stairs with the mattress and surfed down the stairs. Everyone ended up having a go. We had lots of fun.

At about midnight we all headed up to bed. Honestly today has been such an amazing day. I get more and more proud of my baby girl as each day goes by. I know Hilarie is too and Freddie worships his big sis. And our Supernatural family, Andy and Norman are too. We're all one big family. Not exactly the Addams family, but hey we're close. We all love Cait, without a doubt. Our lives would never be the same without her.

That's chapter 21 guys! I hope you like it.

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