Chapter 4

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So Caitlan is 18 months old. Her and Bisou are inseparable. I've set up Caitlan's bedroom next to mine. I usually stay with her until she falls asleep and then I go into my room. Early hours in the morning though, she usually runs into my room, followed by Bisou. I don't mind though as I don't want my baby girl upset or scared. As soon as I put her in the bed with me, Bisou jumps up onto me and snuggles in.

Tonight though, Cait came in my room crying, covered in puke. "My poor darling. Let's get you cleaned up baby." I took my baby girl into the bathroom and got her bathed. After she was nice and clean, I put her in my bed (Bisou of course jumped up. I went to clean up Cait's bed before getting back to bed. Both Cait and Bisou were snoozing away, Bisou had her head rested on Cait's chest and Cait was cuddling her. I needed a photo of this. Thankfully my camera was on my bedside drawers. So I quietly picked it up and took the photo. Neither of them moved or even flinched when the camera clicked. But as soon as I got in the bed, both the girls woke up and climbed onto my chest before going back to sleep. I chuckled quietly before going back to sleep, cuddling my girls.

The next morning, I woke up, expecting Cait to be doing her usual 'wake up daddy routine.' But She was still fast asleep. She's definitely ill, bless her.

I just cuddled Cait until she woke up. When Bisou woke up, she just left her head cuddled into Caitlan. She knew something was wrong too. Usually when Cait wakes up, she has a huge smile on her face but today she didn't look well at all. "You still got tummy hurt baby?" I asked her and she sadly nodded her head. I carried Cait downstairs and laid her on the sofa. "Want to try some porridge, darling?" I asked and she nodded her head again.

I made my baby girl some porridge, whilst it was cooling I let Bisou outside. After a few minutes Bisou came running back in and Cait's porridge was cool enough. Cait climbed on my knee and I gave her a small bit of porridge. It was a couple of small spoon fulls later when she vomited everywhere. "Sowwy dada." She sobbed. "Hey it's ok baby. Shh." I calmed her down. I got us both cleaned up and I got a blanket and a bowl and I wrapped my baby girl up and put the bowl on the floor. She kept squirming and sobbing in pain. My poor baby.

At around 3pm, she dozed off after the puking finally stopped a bit before.  I hate seeing my baby in pain. I know Cait is still only a baby now, but when it comes to getting acting jobs and she's in school, I'd have her come to the shooting location afterwards and if it involved leaving town, I'd get her work to take. There's no chance in hell I'd be leaving my baby girl. Never. Even when she's a teenager, and she probably doesn't wanna spend time with me as much, I'll always be there for her. I'm her dad. I need her just as much she needs me. Everyone has regrets in life, but adopting Caitlan Morgan and becoming her dad, is not one of those regrets. She's the best decision I've made. She is and always will be my baby girl. And nothing will ever change that.

That's chapter 4 guys! It's short but I hope y'all like it.

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