Chapter 16

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Sensitive subjects in this chapter!

Caitlan's POV:

I'm 16 now. Although I don't go to school, I've made friends with people that are in my year. Last week I went to a party, thankfully it's not too far from ours but dad dropped me off and picked me back up. Later in the party, Christopher (who isn't too bad looking may I add), he was abit too close for my liking and tried to touch me and go further but I felt really uncomfortable and he kept advancing on me. Thankfully I got a text from my dad saying that he was outside and I immediately ran out. I didn't mention to mom or dad though what Christopher tried to do.

Mom, dad and Freddie have gone out for a bit. Dad is expecting a parcel to arrive either today or tomorrow so he asked if I'd be ok to wait for it to arrive which I said is fine.

Mom, dad and Freddie left about an hour ago. There was a knock on the door, that must be dad's parcel. I opened the door and it was Christopher, he just walked in. "H-how did you find out where I live?" I started to feel anxious. "That doesn't matter. I came to finish off from what we started last week." He advanced on me. "We didn't start anything. I was really uncomfortable." I started to panic but he just ignored me and started touching me. I tried to run but he hit me in my stomach and I fell. He pinned me down. I tried to get out of his grip but he roughly held my wrists down. My wrists are tiny so he managed to hold them with one hand. He roughly pulled down my pants. "P-please don't." I whispered but he ignored me, he let go of  my wrists and roughly grabbed my thighs. As it happened, I had my eyes tightly shut. I could feel my eyes stinging with tears.

After it happened, I pulled my pants up quickly but then the door opened. Mom, dad and Freddie were back. "What's going on?" Dad asked suspiciously. Freddie was fast asleep in his stroller. "I just made love to your daughter!" Christopher smirked. I could see dad was furious. "Get the fuck out of my house!" Freddie didn't wake up but Christopher left. Mom looked at me, she could tell there was something wrong. "Is this true?" Dad asked. I avoided eye contact. "I'm fucking disappointed Caitlan! You had sex in our living room! I thought I raised you better than that!" Dad was really angry with me. I tried to talk but he just kept yelling at me. This is the first time dad has ever had a go at me. "Will you actually let me explain?" I felt myself well up. "Why should I?!" Dad shouted. "Jeff.." Mom said. "You know what. Why should you? I'm only your adopted daughter!" I yelled back sobbing. I could see those words hurt him a bit but I just turned around and left the house, I left my phone because I'd get constant calls off them.

I ran like crazy and I was in the town, sobbing my heart out. I was being hounded by the paparazzi. The next thing I know, Christopher and some others came out of nowhere. They hit me, punched me but I was shoved into the wall and the next thing I know, everything is black.

Jeff's POV:

Fuck. What Caitlan said really hurt. "What the fuck Jeff?" Hilarie said pretty annoyed and Freddie was crying like crazy. "I just lost my temper. We raised her better than that Hil!" "There was more to it. I could see it in her but you wouldn't let her even explain!" "What is there to explain?" I asked but before Hilarie could reply, the doorbell rang. I looked at my phone and it was flooded with Twitter notifications but before I could look Hilarie came in with a police officer. "How can we help you officer?" I asked confused. "I wanted to come tell you this before you found out from paparazzi and fans. Your daughter has been attacked pretty bad. We've arrested the ones that did it. But she's at the hospital now." My heart sank. "We gotta go to the hospital." I said, trying not to let tears flow out of my eyes.

Me and Hil drove to the hospital, we had Freddie in his car seat. When we got to the hospital we were hounded by paparazzi but we went to the reception straight away. "Hi were Caitlan Morgan's parents." I said. The receptionist took us to Cait's room and the sight in front of me, just wasn't my little girl. Her face was all bust up and bloody, she had casts on her arms and she was unconscious. "You must be Caitlan's parents?" The nurse asked. Me and Hilarie nodded. "Cakey?" Freddie looked over at Cait confused. "When we were sorting Caitlan out, we saw suspicious bruising on her wrists and thighs. They look like they're fresh bruises. We believe she was raped before she was attacked." What? "She should be awake soon. I'll leave you with your daughter." The nurse said sympathetically before leaving. I sat down next to her bed. "Do you reckon-" Hilarie started but I cut her off. "That the arsehole that was in our house raped our baby girl? Yes I think so." I broke down in tears. If I had just listened to what she had to say, which probably would have been the truth of what happened, we wouldn't be here right now. "I'm so sorry baby girl." I sobbed and Freddie ran over, climbed onto me and on to the bed to cuddle up to Cait. Hilarie grabbed a chair and sat next to me. I wrapped my arms around her. "I'm sorry." I whispered through my tears." "I know babe. Our baby girl is tough, she'll be ok." She sobbed quietly. About ten minutes later, Caitlan slowly woke up...

So I wanted to leave y'all on a bit of a cliffhanger this time. It is a sensitive chapter but let me know what you think!

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