Chapter 24

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Jeffrey's POV:

We've just finished day one. It's fair to say me and Cait are shattered. Hil and Freddie went back to our hotel about 3pm.

Me and Caitlan headed up to our room. Freddie was sat down with his hoard of purchases from today. "Look what I got daddy and Cakey!" He said happily. He got Negan and Lily figures, Captain America and Iron Man figures, and autographs from Chris Evans and Robert Downey Junior. "I met Captain Amewica and Ion Man!" Freddie smiled. "When I'm on my break tomorrow, I'll take you to meet someone. I'm not telling who though." Cait smiled at her little brother. He jumped up and gave her a huge hug. "I say we order pizza." I suggested and Hil, Cait and Freddie all agreed.

After dinner, we all got into our pyjamas and Freddie fell asleep almost instantly. "What are you up to Cait?" Hilarie asked suspiciously. "Oh I'm not telling. You'll find out tomorrow." Cait just smirked. What is she upto?

Caitlan's POV:

The four of us have just woke up. I've got a couple of surprises up my sleeve for Freddie today. I haven't told mom and dad. But I know Freddie will love it.

We've just had breakfast and heading to the venue. "You excited for your surprise Freddie?" I asked. "Yeah Cakey! I wish you tell me though." "You'll find out soon enough." I winked at him.

Mom and Freddie went their own ways as me and dad went to do our morning lot of autographs. As usual, we got lots of amazing fans.

After the autograph session finished, mom and Freddie came to us. "Right it's time for me to take Freddie for his surprise. We'll catch up with you in a bit." I said to mom and dad and they both looked suspicious, but I just grinned. "Will you carry me please Cakey?" Freddie asked. "Of course!" I smiled and picked him up.

I carried him to one of the celebrity's tables, he couldn't tell who it was until we got near the front: Stan Lee. "Ah Caitlan! And this must be Freddie?" Stan greeted us, Freddie was in awe, but he nodded. I sent Stan a DM last week and it turned out that he's a big as a fan of me and dad as we are of him! "It's amazing to meet ya!Your sister here tells me how much you love superheroes!" Stan said happily. "Yes! Cap Amewica and Ion Man are my faveowites!" Freddie smiled. "That's awesome to hear! Now why don't I do you an autograph and have a few photos?" Stan suggested, I gave him the money for them and we had a few photos done.

After our meet and greet with Stan Lee, Freddie was shaking bless him. "You ok kiddo?" I asked and he nodded happily. "You ready for the next part of your surprise?" He nodded excitedly.

Next I took him to get a photo op done. I didn't tell him who it was with. We walked into the booth and his mouth dropped. The op was with most of the Marvel stars: Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johannson, Stan Lee, Robert Downey Junior, Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Michael Rooker, Karen Gillian, Bradley Cooper, Elizabeth Olsen, Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan. "Do you want me in the photo too Freddie?" I asked. "Obviously." He grabbed my hand and pulled me happily to the others. We all ended up in a big group hug. They all loved Freddie.

We picked up our photo on the way back to mom and dad. "You're the best big sis ever Cakey!" Freddie kissed my cheek and wrapped his arms around my neck to give me a hug. I felt myself tear up a bit.

Jeffrey's POV:

Me and Hilarie are sat at my table having lunch, we got Caitlan and Freddie's whilst they were doing whatever Cait planned.

"Here they are." Hilarie pointed out. Freddie had the biggest smile on his face. "So what were you two upto?" I asked. "Show em Freddie." Cait smiled. Freddie handed us two photos: one signed by Stan Lee and another which is a photo op with the Marvel cast. She showed us the photos on her phone. "You're the best big sis ever you know that?" Hilarie smiled at her. "I wanted to spoil my brother. His smile is worth it." Cait replied and I brought the three of them in for a hug.

After lunch, we had our slot of photo ops. And as usual they were fun. We then headed to Hall H for our Supernatural panel. We all got called on and Cait was sat between me and Ruth, Jensen was on the other side of me. We watched the trailer for the next season. I ain't back in the show but I'm hoping to come back eventually. We mainly got asked about our characters before the fans asked questions. One asked if John Winchester will return. "I really hope so. I mean I'm at the set most of the time with Cait but I hope the right storyline comes up for me to return." I replied. "Oh I've been begging the crew to bring John ... sorry dad back. I mean Sam and Dean won't listen to their baby sister but they'll listen to dad. On a serious note though, I miss having dad on Supernatural with us. I hope he's back soon." The audience applauded and I brought Cait into a hug and kissed the side of her head. A young girl came up and said "so this isn't a question but I love how close you all are away from set. Like when you all attended Caitlan's graduation et cetera." Ruth replied. "That's so sweet of you honey. But yeah, we're all one huge family and it wouldn't be the same without Cait." Cait gave Ruth a big hug. "Thanks Ruth. But I honestly don't know what I'd do without any of these amazing people sat on this panel. I mean we aren't the Addams family but we're close. Ruth is like my second mom. She's amazing. Sam is like my aunt. Obviously my dad is my dad. And all the guys are just like my dorky big brothers. They've always been there for me and I just don't know what I'd do without em." I could see Cait's eyes tear up and both me and Ruth wrapped our arms around her.

The panel finished and we all got into a big group hug before leaving the stage. We've got a Walking Dead interview next.

We all went to the interview room and we got asked questions mainly about the show. We then got asked about our favourite fan experiences. Everyone answered before me and Cait. "Umm for me it's gotta be the one time a fan gave us a photo slate of me, Cait, Hil and Bisou. Cait gave her a huge hug and she told us how much we meant to her. Our fans are the best." I said and I saw Cait tear up a bit. "Sorry. Umm for me I have two, both actually from this weekend. This little girl came upto me yesterday and she said how much she loved me. Her parents told me she was adopted and I assured her that her parents will always love her. She was so adorable and I could see how she perked up afterwards. And my other is actually from today. I surprised my little brother with a meet and greet with Stan Lee and a photo op with the Marvel cast. I didn't even tell my mom or dad. But my little brother he loved it. His smile is totally worth it." I could feel myself tear up and I brought Cait into a hug. "Well before this interview we asked your mom, Hilarie Burton if we could include her and Freddie in this interview. So here they are." The interviewer said and Hil and Freddie came in. "Freddie, you love superheroes. Who's your superhero?" Freddie was sat on my knee, Hilarie grabbed a chair. "My big sis Cakey!" The Walking Dead cast 'awwed'. "Don't you ever argue?" The interviewer asked. "Nah. He's only four. Give it time. But I doubt we will ever argue. I mean he can be a pain in my ass but that's what siblings are for. He's my sidekick." Cait ruffled his hair and Freddie kissed Cait's cheek.

Once day one finished, we grabbed some food at the venue for dinner. Tomorrow, we don't have any panels or photo ops, just meet and greets and interviews. Roll on tomorrow!

That's this chapter guys! Hope y'all like it 

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