Chapter 2

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"You knew, didn't you?"

I looked at my twin brother, angry and disappointed.

"Audrey, please..." He stood up from the table and reached to me.

"Save it." I jumped out of my chair and brushed past my ex lover.

After hours of driving to god knows where, my phone wouldn't stop ringing. This time I decided to answer it, seeing it wasn't Ethan.

"Where the hell are you!?" My bodyguard's voice stung my ears.

"No need to yell. I just drove out of town a bit. Aren't you supposed to be on vacation?"

Lea has been my bodyguard for years, ever since high school. My parents decided for her to stay since my brothers and I needed bodyguards also. And she was definitely a good one. I could never go somewhere without her knowing. Obviously, even if she was on vacation.

"Yes. I was fully enjoying my day at a perfectly good beach in Maldives. Just when my phone started beeping like crazy."

"You have a tracking device on me!?" Of course she does.

"Audrey, listen to me. Whatever it is, please just go home and stay still before you get both of us killed."

I sighed, knowing that my moms would freak out if they knew this.

"It's Ruby. She's back." There was a numb silence on the other end.

"Oh. I'm sorry. What does she want?"

"Nothing. But just seeing her made me freak out. Apparently, Ethan's fiancé and her are sisters."

"Well that's awkward."

"You can imagine."

"I'll be back tomorrow, so please go back home and don't do anything stupid. Don't let yourself go all depressed again."

I would always listen to this woman. It's like she has a spell on me.

"Okay, Lea. Sorry I scared you."

I hung up the phone and turned my car around.

I kept rolling over in my bed, trying to fall asleep. I looked at the clock and it was already 3:20 in the morning.

I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that she is back in my life. But I have to be able to deal with it. For Ethan's sake.

I wonder if Yvonne knew what her sister did to me. How awful she is.


My mouth formed a smile as I saw my college 'rommate' cooking something in the kitchen for us.

"Watcha got there?" I asked as I took my backpack off on the ground and got in to hug her.

"I'm making lunch."

"Looks delicious." I looked at the grilling pan which contained lots of vegetables.

I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind and kissed her neck.

Ruby was awfully quiet. Something's not right.

As I put my head in the crook of her neck to take in her scent, something definitely wasn't right.

"You smell different." I took a step back.


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