Chapter 7

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It was a quiet afternoon in the office. My door opened and just like she knew what I've been feeling like, Ruby started:

"I miss you. I've been nothing without you. A shell. That girl didn't even mean anything to me. We just started making out and I..."

I cringed as I remembered it and she saw the look on my face.

"Sorry... just... I was a kid. A stupid, immature kid. I fucked up. I never appreciated you enough."

"That's not true. For years our realtionship went great. But all it took to ruin it was your stupid, stupid move." I stood up at her statement.

Her eyes were glistening with tears, not letting them fall down her cheeks.

"Don't act like you don't miss me." Ruby said as I walked closer. I rested my head on hers and swallowed the lump in my throat. This moment right now was everything. But I knew I wouldn't go further. I just needed to touch her again. To feel her skin on mine.

Ruby took both of my hands in hers and kissed them gently. I was so glad my office blinds were shut so the people in the building can't see us. She closed her eyes for a moment and just took in a large breath.

"I miss you." She said once again, making my stomach ache and heart beat faster in a second.

"I miss you too." I paused "I'm sorry Ruby, all I want is to be with you but I can't bring myself to do it again."

"Audrey please." She begged.

I knew what I needed to do. Even though I have the support of my friends, I can't be with her now.

"You need to leave this project. Don't come back please." My mouth crashed on hers and we both cried in pain from this. It was like we were breaking up all over again. The kiss was tense and sad. Neither of us wanted to pull away, but we did as we needed air.

We parted and she walked out of my office. I didn't turn around as I looked at the town behind my desk. The big window showed a lot of it. I couldn't even admire the view while Ruby occupied my mind.

I sat back to my desk even though I knew I couldn't get anything done.

I know she was a kid. It was very stupid of her to do it. But the thought of her fucking someone other than me, it didn't just make me jealous and mad, it made me sad. No one should feel that.

Tomorrow morning I woke up to a call from my head builder on the project Ruby and I worked together. He said he wanted me to come check it out before they can't take the walls down. That means before they started doing the roof.

I get dressed and was greeted by Lea as I walk out of my room. She was drinking her tea and going through the phone.

"Your mother called." Lea stated without emotion.

"Which one?" I poured myself a cup of coffee while answering.

"The award-winning actress. Maybe you heard of her." She grinned. "Don't act like you haven't seen the messages on your phone. Why aren't you answering your mother?"

I felt like I was being scolded for not being in the mood to talk to her. I know my mother loves me and wants to hear from me, but I wasn't in the mood for anything at all actually.

"I'll call her." Lea looked at me suspiciously. "I will, I promise!"

She drove me to the building that was being built on the 10th street. I was happy to talk to our workers and get the details on everything, even every room they were building they walked me through it. I was glad I had such great people on this project. But then I saw one person I thought I'd never see again.


I took of my sunglasses as I walked up to her. She walked up to me to.

"I thought I told you to stay away." I yelled through the field.

"Look out!" Someone yelled and before I could see what's going on a wrecking ball was coming my way. It wasn't fast, but I just had nowhere to go to avoid it.

That's when someone pushed me on the ground and the ball swung right above me. Her scent was all over me and I loved it.

"Are you okay?" Ruby asked.

"Yes. Thank you."

She was still on top of me and some of the men around us were whistling and hooing.

I looked deeply into her eyes as we were aware neither of us wanted to move.

I captured her lips in mine and immediately shut down from the people around me.

"Audrey, Audrey... whoa." Ruby chuckled "I think we are laying on the ground on a construction site and there are people around us. Lots of  people."

"You're right. We should probably go someplace else."

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