Chapter 16

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Audrey's POV

Right now I was in my office with Isla, Jack Lung and my lawyer, Ashley Jonas. What was I doing? I was making a deal with Lung.

"I don't know about that, Miss Porter." I can say, Jack was playing hard. He knew how much I wanted it to happen so he made it even harder for me.

"Listen, Jack... money is not an issue. Just name your price and it's done."

"You can't give what she can make in just half a year. The girl is a very wanted architect..."

"The woman." I corrected, interrupting him.


"Ruby is a woman, so treat her like one. You wouldn't say 'a boy' for some man that made millions for your company in all of his career even before he turned thirty. So treat Ruby with respect please." Jack was left speechless and so were Isla and Ashley.

He fidgeted in his seat and cleared his throat to speak again.

"Miss Yablonski will be in your company under these terms: I get 3 million for breaking her contract and... Miss Barrett starts working for me."

My jaw dropped. Did her really just suggest that I trade my right hand and best friend for my girlfriend. I looked at Isla and her expression wasn't happy either. I could never possibly do that to her. I stood up and put my hand in to shake Jack's.

"Mr Lung... I think we're done here." He wasn't expecting for this to happen so he was a little surprised when he got up and took my hand in.

"I guess we are. Well, let me know if anything changes. My offer stands."

After Lung exited my office, my lawyer soon followed him. She was there just to make a contract if it comes to one, anyway.

"That son of a bitch." I mumbled as I poured a whiskey to calm my nerves. "You want one?" I asked Isla.

"Yes, please."

It wasn't supposed to go like this. I wanted to surprise Ruby by making a deal with Jack Lung for her to leave his firm and come work with me. I wanted for her to be by my side. I guess my tough luck got me so now I have to choose between her and Isla. And obviously, that wasn't a choice. I would never make Isla leave the company for any reason. I'll just have to deal with the fact that Ruby won't be working for me right now.

"I'm sorry Isla. You know I won't take that deal, right?" I asked as I gave her a glass of whiskey with ice.

"Of course, I know..." She still seemed distant. I put a hand on her shoulder and smiled reassuringly.

"Don't worry. We're the best team there is. We'll just forget about all of this." She smiled. "Lunch later?" I asked.

"Sure." She smiled and left my office.

After a couple of hours of work with all of the blueprints and the material that had to be ordered it was time for lunch. Isla knocked on my door before she came in and we went to the nearby restaurant we always go to.

"This is amazing." I said after I tasted my salad. I looked at Isla and she was still acting a bit weird, just playing with her meal. "Okay talk to me. What is it?"

She put down her fork and looked at me.

"Audrey... I want you to take Jack's offer." I was shocked. Where was this coming from?

"What? Don't you want to work for me?"

"I do, but..."

"No, Isla. I won't take the offer just because of Ruby. I would never do that to you." I put my hand over hers, caressing it friendly.

"You don't understand" I really didn't. "I want to take the job. The offer he gave me is great. A higher pay, a better position and benefits."

"But... I could give you all of that. And don't you hate him?" I asked.

"Yeah, but the thing is, I heard he will retire soon. That means I could get his position if I show all the things I'm capable to do. I know you can offer me all of it, but I think it's time to leave this and move forward. And also, this means Ruby can come work for you. Didn't you want this?"

"Kinda... but I never wanted to lose you." I put my head down.

"Audrey... you could never lose me. I'll still be your best friend. And of course this means Lung won't be your competition when I'm in charge. We can work together and make a global enterprise."

I listened to her words and all of this really made sense. Her cooperation in the other company meant we could make greater and better things.

"Isla, if you're okay with it... I am too. This could be really great." She smiled.

"Okay then... Let's make a toast." She said, taking her glass of wine and raising it. I followed her. "To me leaving your sorry ass."

"Hey!" I said and we both laughed.

"Kidding. To greater things." We clinked our glasses and took a sip.

"I love you." I said, smiling at her. She really was the best friend a girl could ask for.

"I love you too. Now go, call your little girlfriend and tell her about the news." Just as she said it, my phone started ringing and I saw Ruby's name on the display. "Speaking of the devil."

"Hey, baby." I said after I answered.

"Hey. It's so great to hear your voice." She said, making me smile. That woman could make me weak without even knowing it.

"I could say the same thing. I was just about to call you. How is Florida?"

"Great, the first day went amazing."

"That's amazing! You didn't make friends with anyone hot, right?"

"No." She said, chuckling. "Well, I have some news..." She continued after a short pause.

 "I do too. You go first." I was so excited to tell her all about my plan.

"I got a job offer. Here in Florida."

"Whoa, that's great. But I guess you said no, you wouldn't move all across the country right now." I laughed but she was silent. My heart started beating frantically and I was scared.

"Audrey... I took the offer."

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