Chapter 13

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Ruby's POV

Audrey and I were laying in her bed in her big apartment. Naked entagled bodies, we were facing each other. I admired her naked body, giving it light mindless strokes with my hand. There was a comfortable silence in the room that still smelled like sex. I looked over her to see the clock showing it was already 3:20 AM.

"Hey, Ruby?" Audrey broke the silence and I just hummed in response, encouraging her to go on with her question. "How come it took you so long to come to the party?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, as in reality I didn't have an actual answer, but I knew exactly what she meant.

"I mean, I waited for you the whole night before you showed up, I was dying out there thinking you wouldn't show up. Thinking you hate me." She mumbled the last part and it tore my heart a bit. I never wanted for Audrey to be hurt again, I already did that to her once.

I grabbed her chin in my hand and lifted her head, "Hey, look at me." The hazel eyes looked directly into my soul, "Audrey, I don't want you ever to think I hate you. If anything, I'm the one you should hate. I did a lot of shitty stuff. And the thought of you not wanting me back frightened me. That's why it took me so long to come to my senses and come to the party. But now I see there is nothing I should be afraid of. If you want me then that's all I need. Now tell me, do you want me?" My heart was about to rip out of my chest as I wait for her to answer.

Audrey paused for a minute before sealing her lips against mine.

"I'm gonna take that as a yes." I smiled and she smiled with me.

"Of course I want you. I don't ever want to leave you again. I saw what it's like to live without you. I won't let it happen again. I hope you won't either."

"I promise you, Princess." She nuzzles against my neck and I feel her tighten her hold on me when I use her old nickname.

"I love it when you call me that. I really missed you." I just kissed her on the head silently. She knew I felt the same way, but I will never be able to apologize enough or describe how much I have missed her.

After we fell asleep in each other's arms for a while, I woke up sharply, seeing it was barely dark outside, the clock showing 5:56 AM. Where there used to be warmth covering me, it was gone. I looked around to see if I can find Audrey but there was no sign of her.

I heard some mumbling outside the bedroom door and decided to get out of bed and see what's going on. When I opened the door, there was Audrey in the hallway, talking on the phone. When she saw me she smiled and continued her chat.

"Okay mom, I have to go now... Yeah.... Yeah... Love you too." She finally hung up and walked up to me. Her arms snaked around my hips and she kissed me. "What are you doing up, baby?"

"I don't know, I guess I felt you were gone and got up. Why are you on the phone now anyway? At this ungodly hour?" Audrey chuckled.

"That's just my mom. Nicole. You know she gets up really early even on the weekends and she thinks everyone does. So she just called to see if I was alright after last night."

"Oh... I hope she's okay with... us." Audrey held me even tighter.

"Don't worry, baby. She will come around. She's just being protective. Diane on the other hand, she's whole lot excited about all this." We both chuckled. "And so am I." Audrey added.

"Come on, let's go back to bed."

Since it was a Sunday, we could sleep in today and spend the day together. Or maybe not sleep.

After another round of oral, we were laying together and talking about our job. It turned into an argument about the building and what could be changed there.

"The walls on the east side can't go any taller!" Audrey yelled.

"If they do, it will look better." I added calmly.

"But it would ruin the whole enterior concept!"

"The enterior can still be changed."

"I cannot work with your stubborn ass." Audrey got up frustrated.

"Oh but you have to. Because I'm the architect they want. Because I'm the best."

Audrey turned and rushed towards me, jumping on the bed and pushing me hard onto the mattress.

"You think you're the best? Huh? Then how come you were screaming my name like crazy earlier?"

"That's because I let you be on top for a bit. You know I'm the dominant one." She raised an eyebrow at me and I freaked. That move always got me in her hands.

"Really, you're in charge? It doesn't seem that way now." I knew she was teasing me so I flipped us over so I was holding her arms against the mattress above her head.

"Princess, I'll have to punish you for your behavior." I showed her my pearly whites in one wide smile.

"Is that a threat or a promise?"

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