Chapter 1: Day With My Sisters

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There was a few knocks on my door.

"Annaleigh, wake up," yelled my sister, Abigail from my bedroom door. See I promised her and my other sister Nirvana, I would let them take me shopping, for the new school year to come. Four weeks into summer and they are ready to go shopping for new clothes, who does that? They are the popular ones so they have to have everything updated before the start and I'm unknown to everyone but, them and my best friends. I prefer it that way, so I don't have to deal with all the drama.

Oh, I'm pretty sure you want to know more about me than that, so I will give you the basics. My name is Annaleigh Faith Blue, I'm sixteen and I'm not your average girl that likes shopping, pink, and boys. I am country and I have lived on a farm my whole life and I plan to keep it that way. I prefer to be outside with my animals than walking in a mall with shopping bags. I will be going into my third year of high school, which means I'm a sophomore right now. About to be a junior this coming up school year. Abigail is my twin sister and Nirvana is our older eighteen year old sister, which means she is a senior. Our parents are always working, so we don't get to see them that often.

I got out of my warm, comfy bed to go to my bathroom to take a shower. After I was done I wrapped my now freezing body in a towel and made my way to my closet. I just grabbed the first thing in sight. Like i said i don't care about the "fashion rules" as my sisters put it. After i put my tee-shirt and pants on, i went down stairs to get my breakfast. Both my sisters were eating away on something healthy while i just grabbed a bowl of cereal and went back to my room. As i got one my laptop, i saw i had a new text message form Nicole, " Hey, I hope you are ready for your makeover..." If you can't tell she is girly. She has planned a thing she calls "A New Annaleigh" for a day before we start school. I have got that same message every week since school let out.

"Annaleigh, lets go," yelled Nirvana from her Volvo that she calls "Her Baby". "Hold your horses, I'm coming" I yell as i put my boots on. Lordy, my sisters I no patience at all. As I hop into her car the are already jamming to "All About That Bass". She takes off toward the biggest mall in the town.

I think I'm going to get lost. I have never been in this mall before in my life and it is three stories tall. I'm going to lose my mind. Right as I'm about to calm myself down I get smacked in the back of the head by Abigail, "Hello, Earth to Annaleigh." Oh great, another speech on why I need to pay attention. "Oww, that hurt miss thing. Now what do you want." To my surprise it Nirvana to speak first. "Stop blanking out on us, you need to stay focused or we will be here all day, which I don't mind so, it you choice." Oh wow, I get to choose. "Ok, no need for that cause I want to get this over with. I have to work one Little Feather's techniques for the rodeo next week." Little Feather is one of my newer horses, that has just been broke 5 months ago, so I'm trying to get him use to my ways and so far it is going great. That is if them two dorks stop taking me out.

After five torturing hours, we finally got back home. I had eight packed full bag from this so called "small" shopping trip. I hope I don't have to shop with Nicole cause, I think I would die if I had to care one more shopping bag.

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