The winds of winter

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It was dawn, and Arya heard a horn. One blow- returning troops or messengers, two blows- an attack, three blows- the dead are coming. Jon had taught her than when she was very young. She ran to the gates to see floods of troops marching into Winterfell. She looked at Bran, who nodded.

"The winds of winter are blowing, sister," he smiled, and Arya stood, analysing the people coming in. Jon, the dragon queen, the hound- the hound? She looked at Bran.

"As I said, he brought you an old friend,"

And there he was. Gendry Baratheon. He was looking through the crowds of people, until his eyes met Arya's and he nearly fell of his horse with relief. He smiled, and Arya smiled back, feeling her cheeks blush slightly, as a small piece of her heart began to fix itself. He was here. He was safe. He was... Gendry. 

As she was stood with Bran at his tree she heard a cough from behind her. Jon was stood with the dragon queen, with shock in his eyes.


"Lady Stark," Jon bowed.

The both couldn't hold their laughter anymore, and Arya ran to him paying no attention to the queen stood right beside her. She jumped on Jon, just as she'd done when she was little.

"You've still got it then," he gestured to needle.


"Ever used it?"

"More times than I should have needed too,"

"Who's the most famous you've done in then?" he smiled, expecting a stupid answer.

"I bested the hound. And I killed the Freys, to avenge Robb and mother,"

"Very funny," Jon laughed.

"She's telling the truth," Bran said, almost smiling as Jon ran to him, and dropped to his knees, hugging him in disbelief.

"This is Dann- our queen. This is our queen,"

"I don't serve a queen. Or a king. Or a god. I serve myself, I suggest you do the same, your highness. There's nobody you can trust more," she smiled, and the queen smiled back, understanding, "I've learned to trust nobody,"

"Not even me?" That voice. The voice, behind her made her lose balance and she nearly dropped to her knees. She looked at Bran, and he nodded. She turned to see Gendry stood, with his hammer.

"Arya, this is-" 

Arya ran to Gendry and held him closer and tighter than she'd ever held anyone before. She pulled away slightly, and he rested his head on hers, both of them smiling.

"I told you I'd find my way back to you, M'lady," she pushed him into the snow.

"Don't call me M'lady!"

"As M'lady commands," she kicked snow in his face, forgetting about the royalty present.

They both laughed, as she helped him up.

"I take it you know each other?" Jon smiled, confused.

"We've been through a lot together," Gendry smiled as he brushed the snow off of his clothes.

"When father was killed, I went with the night's watch recrutes to make my way here. Gendry looked after me. He took a lot of shit for me. Then, we were captured by Tywin Lannister and were sent to Harenhall. We thought we were going to die, but we escaped. Then, we came across the brother hood, and it all went downhill from there." Arya stopped talking, feeling her eyes get teary.

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