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"Gendry?" Arya opened her eyes and saw him, sat, looking exhausted.

"Thank the gods you're all right," he sighed with relief and kissed her head.


"But you just woke-"

"I'm telling you to sleep. Now."

Bran entered the room and smiled slightly, Sansa grinning beside him, "You should try and stand as soon as possible. It'll be best for you to protect yourself, in case it comes to that," 

"I feel fighting fit actually," Arya took Gendry's hand just in case, and stood up surprisingly normally. She tried to walk, and Gendry took her by the hip when her knees began to wobble as she walked. 

After a few days rest, she was back to normal and the baby was better than ever. Arya stayed close to Gendry at all times. And when she wasn't with him, she was with Sansa or the hound. She didn't like her lack of freedom, but it was worth it if it kept her little warrior safe. 

As the sun fell down, and the workers walked home, Gendry put his hammer down. He wiped the sweat off his brow and kissed Arya on the cheek. 

"I think that's enough work for one day," he smiled, putting his arm round her shoulders as they walked towards the castle. He took a hot bath, ridding himself of the soot and ash that splattered his skin in layers.  As he walked back to his chamber, he heard a sound. A voice. A beautifully soft voice, singing sweetly.

"High in the halls of the kings who are gone

Jenny would dance with her ghosts
The ones she had lost and the ones she had found
And the ones who had loved her the most
The ones who'd been gone for so very long
She couldn't remember their names

They spun her around on the damp old stones
Spun away all her sorrow and pain
And she never wanted to leave
Never wanted to leave"

Arya was sat on her bed, sharpening needle with a stone as she sung. Gendry stood in the doorway watching over her. He hugged her from behind, and she flinched before smiling.

"You know... sometimes, I wish we had ran away together that night."

"Me too... but, if we had, we wouldn't be where we are today,"

"I know," he re adjusted his head on her shoulder, "Do you ever just wish things had happened differently? If we'd have been that little bit stronger that night, Lommie would have lived. If we'd have been that little bit quicker, the brotherhood wouldn't have found us and I wouldn't have been sold. We wouldn't have been separated,"

"When I lost you, it inspired me. I knew that if I was going to get you back, I was going to have to learn to fight. Properly. So I went and found Jaquen Hagar and became a faceless man. I learned how to fight well, against any opponent," she put needle down, and got into bed properly, "Even the biggest tragedies carry happiness along the line," she smiled, and brought her palm to his cheek, "Get some sleep," she kissed him sweetly.

The days grew dull. A continuous cycle of boredom. Countless swings of the hammer. Countless swipes of the brow. Countless nights of restlessness. For four months, nothing had changed. Apart from Arya. She had changed. She was close to labour, and for the first time, Jon saw her fear. There had been multiple attempts to claim Arya's life, aswell as her babe's and she was vulnerable. 

"Arya? It's Jon," he knocked on her door and walked into the room when she gave hi permission.

"I need to speak with you. You were right. About me. I have changed, and I'm sorry. And there would be no greater honour than to be your babe's Uncle Jon."

Arya was tired, and in no mood for conflict, so she just nodded and hugged him as best she could. She kept needle nearby, and watched Gendry through the window. They'd decided that it wasn't safe for her to be near the anvil, and so Gendry left her in Tyrion's company.

He was a good man. Interesting. And funny. She liked him a lot and would consider him a friend. He would tell her stories and they would laugh at some. She would tell him stories too. Though usually, he would cry by the end. Apart from when she told him of her and Gendry's story. He did shed a tear or two, but by the end he was smiling intently, paying no attention to his goblet of wine.

"I had a love like yours once. But my father forbade it. She was a whore, you see. I didn't know it when I fell in love with her, Jaime told me after. Stick to Gendry like glue. Never let anyone stop you." he smiled, and then looked at her curiously, "have you ever been drunk?"

"Yes, me and Gendry-" and so she told him the tale of their night as drunken fools.

"When your child is born, we should have a drink together some time. And not pissy ale. The finest wine that gold can buy,"

She nodded, "I would like that. I would like that very much,"

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