Frozen Air

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Arya paced around the room as she waited for Gendry to arrive. When he did, she went and sat on the bed. Gendry sat beside her and she stood up, pacing again.

"The dead are nearly here," she said.

"Yeah, I know. They're a few days-"

"I'm pregnant."

"You're sure?"

"Positive. I guessed."

"Well then there's still a chance that-"

"Then I went too see Bran,"


"Oh," she paced, her hands trembling and tears filling her eyes.

"Hey, hey, don't cry," he stood up and held her close too him, "I know it's not the best timing but... we're going to have a baby," he smiled and Arya smiled back with a slight laugh, "us. A beautiful little baby. Summer will be here before she's born," 

"She?" she looked at him, confused, wiping away her tears.

"I have a hunch." he kissed her head. He looked into her eyes and began to cry, with a huge grin on his face, "we're going to have a baby," he whispered, pretending to scream, and she laughed at his excitement. She was sure he'd make a good father... if he lived that long. 

Arya's smile dropped, "What's wrong?"

"Bran... he said there'd be someone we both loved most. Someone we hadn't known long. Someone we had to protect. Gendry, it's her," he put his hands on Arya's stomach.

"And we're going to protect this little one, aren't we?" he whispered, before kissing her tummy, making Arya laugh.

"I want her to be a Baratheon. Not a Stark. The Stark name is a curse. Sansa and I went through everything we did. Bran is a cripple. And everyone else is dead."

"As you wish, M'lady,"

It was dawn, and Arya sat up in bed. One... Two... she took in a deep breath... Three. Three blows of the horn. The dead were past the wall. She wished she had more time. Luckily, she'd fallen asleep in her regular clothes and therefore could leave straight away. She ran outside.

"Gendry!" She ran to Jon, "Stay safe, Jon. Please Stay safe,"

"I'm staying here. Me and one of the dragons are staying here in case of an emergency,"

"Where's Gendry?"

"I'm not sure,"

"Your highness, have you seen Gendry? Sir Davos? Anyone!"

"M'lady," she heared a shout, and turned to see Gendry on horse back. He jumped down and they ran to each other. Gendry held her close before he rested his head on hers with a tear in his eye.

"I'm coming with you," she cried.

"No! No Arya you can't!"the tears flowed freely from them both, "you have to keep her safe," he whispered, "If I don't come back, make sure she knows I love her,"

"No. Because you will come back. You have too. You haven't seen the oceans yet," she smiled, sadly with tears flowing down her face.

"Look at me," he lifted her face up so she was looking in his eyes, "I love you,"

"I love you too," she held his wrist as he cupped her face.

"There's nothing that I wouldn't do, to find my way back to you," he sung quiet enough that only she could hear, and she broke down. He lifted her head up again, "stay safe," he turned to mount his horse before hesitating. He turned and said "fuck it" under his breath. He cupped her face and kissed her deeply, before he kissed her head, "that's for you, my little Baratheon," he took her hand and kissed her wedding ring, "I love you,"

"I love you too,"

He mounted his horse and started riding away. He kept turning around, and she was following him.

"I'll come back. I promise you both," he smiled before he mouthed "I love you," one last time and rode to the wall with the other soldiers. Arya walked back to her family, who had watched the whole thing along with Jon and his friends from the wall, the queen and her advisers and the hound.

She saw Sansa and she ran too her, crying. 

"Sansa, what if he doesn't come back! What if I never see him again!"

"You will see him again!" she put her hands on Arya's shoulders so she could see her face, in the same way her father used too, "he's a good fighter. And a loyal lover, I'm sure. He will find a way back to you," the last phrase made Arya cry even more, as she clung to Sansa like her life depended on it.

Everyone else was startled by what they'd just seen. Arya. Of all people to be in love. Arya. And who with? Gendry Waters. The blacksmith. 

"If they kill him. I'll slaughter the night king myself. And nothing will stop me. Not one thing," her words were fuelled by anger.

For days, she sat in her and Sansa's room. She couldn't face her own, as it held too many memories of Gendry.

"What makes you love him so much?" Sansa asked from a chair at the table by the fire.

Arya was sat at the window, watching for him.


"Even if he doesn't come back... there are others,"

"Not like Gendry. And besides, it's more than that now,"

"How so?"

Arya took a deep breath, "because I'm carrying our child," she felt a tear fall down her cheek, "Our little Baratheon princess," she brushed the tear away.

"Arya..." Sansa was gobsmacked, "You aren't even-"  Arya held up her hand, showing her the wedding ring.

"We're not married properly. There was no religion involved. But, we don't like doing things the proper way," 

"Mother and father would be so proud of you. Their little girl, in love,"

"Jon is going to be angry, that's a given,"

"He saw how much you love eachother. It was very obvious. And the queen supports you, so I doubt he'll be too over the top,"

"She does?"

"Well when she saw you, she smiled and even cried a little. She said it reminded her of her and her late husband, Drogo,"


"How do you know it won't be your little baratheon or stark prince?"

"We have a hunch about her being a her. But she won't have the stark name. It's cursed."

"Don't be silly,"

"Jon's mother died in childbirth after living a life of hell where her love life was concerned. Uncle Benjin died beyond the wall. Mother, Father, Robb, Rickon. All gone. Then there's everything we've been through. And Bran is barely even a person,"

Sansa was silent.

"I'm proud of my house. And she will be too. But she isn't having that name,"

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