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She stopped walking. The sound of shouting radiated from inside the structure down the street. Shouting and screaming and things being broken. Until the door swung open, and the fat, drunk man was thrown onto the floor. Olly ran out after him and climbed on top of him, punching him repeatedly in the face as blood poured from his nose and lip. The man whispered something and he stood up and grabbed the man by the collar, pushing him against the wall.

"Say that again! I dare you!"

"She's a dirty whore!"

Olly punched him once more in the face, knocking him out in the process.

"Olly!" she ran to him as he sat on the floor beside his father, "Come with me," she helped him up and walked with him to her father's shop where she, Arya and Gendry helped get him cleaned up and calm. It took them at least an hour.

"What happened?"

"He hit my brother for no reason and hurt him. Badly. So I kicked off. I know how it feels to be in that situation and it's terrifying, I don't want that for Kohen. And then he brought you into it," Gendry froze, "he started threatening you, which is when I did what I did."

"And what was it that you did?"

"Kicked the living shit out of him," 

"What was he saying about her?"

"He called her a-" he stopped, not wanting her to hear.

"Tell me, nothing he'll ever say or threaten me with will bother me,"

"It's... graphic, are you sure you want to hear this?"

She nodded.

"Well he called her a whore... and then he said and I quote, 'I'll rape her till she's bloody, and when I'm through with her, I'll make her watch as I do worse to her cunt mother,"

Arya stood up and walked into the room, filled with anger. Gendry was calm. He knew that causing a scene would upset Nymeria and he didn't want that. He just needed to make sure she was safe. But Arya was a different story.

"If he seriously thinks he can threaten MY daughter and get away with it-" she was storming down the street. She threw the door open and saw the man sat, his wife cleaning his wounds. She grabbed the back of his shirt and dragged him outside, causing him to choke. She threw him out in the street.

"Come on then! You want to threaten my daughter! Bring it on!" She said, dangerously quietly. Olly tried to stop her, but Gendry held him back. 

"Trust me, he's no match for her," 

His father tried to punch Arya several times, and he missed every time. She grabbed his head and kneed him, breaking his nose. He finally got one punch in, and pushed her against the wall. In response, she head butted him, turning so it was him against the wall. She pulled the Baratheon dagger from her boot and held it at the top of his leg.

"Everybody is so bothered about their throats, that they forget about everywhere else. Now, if I wanted, I could nick this little artery. And there's nobody around here to un-nick it. Why do you do it old man? Beating your wife and sons? Threatening people you don't even know. Does it give little, drunken fat men like you a buzz? A sense of power?" She quickly sliced his cheeks with the dagger, causing him to scream, "That's for your son and my daughter! Threaten or hurt them again, and I'll have to nick every little artery in that fat little body of yours," she whispered and she walked away from the man, wiping her blade clean. She walked up to Olly, who was in a state of shock, "if he ever gives you, your mother or your brother any trouble again, remind him where he got those scars, and I'll be right over," she walked back to the shop. The children were in shock, but Gendry stood staring at the woman he loved with a smile.

"And that kids, is why I fell in love with her," he laughed as they began walking back to the shop.

"You can stay here tonight Olly," Gendry smiled as they walked in, "I don't think it would be the safest thing for you to go home,"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, you're like my son, you can stay here whenever you want to. You'll have to share a room with Meria though," he smiled and winked at Nymeria when Olly wasn't paying attention. 

"Thank you," 

Gendry understood that, if he didn't let them have the opportunities to do things that he and Arya had done at their age, like cuddling in the night, they would do it where nobody could see them anyway, so he might as well let them get on with it. Even if they slept together, he wouldn't mind. Yes, he wanted her to stay his little girl for as long as possible, but Olly was a good lad. He wanted them to stay together, like him and Arya. He would treat Nymeria like the princess she was, and he would be a great husband to her. And with all he'd been through, there was no doubt he'd be a good father aswell. 

"Can I talk to you?" Nymeria asked as she sat on the bed.

"Of course," he smiled, sitting beside her.

"I know this might sound strange but... I-" she was like her mother when it came to feelings. She had no idea how to express them, "You make me feel like... like nobody else can... If you don't feel the same then tell me and it won't be awkward or anything we can just forget but-"

Olly took her hand in his as he kissed her. He pulled away, and rested his head on hers as he ran his fingers through her hair. They laid down on the bed and Olly played with her hair.

"I love you," he whispered quietly.

"I love you too,"

He felt himself smiling, and smiled even more when he saw her smiling back. She moved closer to him, and he eskimo kissed her as he ran his finger over her cheek.

"You're my dragon glass," he said, as she fell asleep beside him.

"You're my dragon glass," he said, as she fell asleep beside him

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