The little lion

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"Tyrion Lannister. You are charged with conspiring against your queen. Disloyalty to the crown. Breaking a sacred oath. And acting against the realm. How do you plead?" Danaerys asked, stood in front of the man with Jon and many others by her side.

"Do you know what I see in front of me? Someone twisted. A once strong, worthy queen. Who is willing to slaughter innocents. Who would murder a baby in her mother's womb. Who manipulated and tainted the most honourable man in Westeros. I plead guilty, but I believe my actions are justified."

"Justified? Tell me Lord Tyrion, was your brother justified for stabbing my father in the back? Was your sister justified for poisoning the king of the seven kingdoms?"

"Cersei wasn't. But Jaime was. Your father was going to kill millions. Not two or three- MILLIONS. Do you know who you remind me of?"

"My father?"

"Cersei. You have more in common than you think. She had Robb Stark's wife and babe killed. She burned thousands just so a handful would die. She is hated by her own people. She would do anything for her children. She's fucking someone in her family. She relies on everyone else to fix up whatever it is she fucks up. She's bitter and twisted, and so are you,"

There was silence.

"You will not burn today Lord Tyrion," she spat, "seize him," A handful of unsullied chained him, and carried him to the dungeons. He couldn't understand why. He was a dwarf after all. 

"My lord," 

"Davos. Don't call me that,"

"Sorry, Tyrion," he smiled down at him in pity. He was sat on the floor of his cell, covered in dirt and shit.

"How many unsullied does it take to imprison a dwarf?" he smiled.

"Well, they're not the sharpest of blades," Davos chuckled, earning him a smile from Tyrion.

"She's given the order then,"

"You can still demand a trial by combat,"

"And who would fight for me? Your fighting days are over. My brother is dead. My sell sword, and most loyal companion, vanished. Arya and Gendry, gone. The hound, gone. Vary's is off in one of his webs and now, even my squire has been sent away. But then again, that was my fault,"

"Your fault?"

"You really think I'd let her stay in the city?" he looked up at Davos and smirked.

"You're a clever man,"

"I know. The problem is, I can't fight for shit. Literally,"

"It seems there's nobody to fight for you then,"

"I suppose there's always Bran," they both laughed.

Tyrion rested his head on the rust behind him.

"At least it wasn't Cersei. That would truly be the worst way to go,"

"I don't know, that dragon looks like a brutal way out,"

"Ah, but you haven't met my sister," he smirked, and sighed.

"I always hoped I'd die in my own bed. At the age of eighty. With a belly full of wine and... a girl's mouth around my cock," he chuckled to himself, reminiscing. 

"She won't kill you. I'm certain of it. You my little lion, are too valuable for death,"

Arya pulled her dagger from her boot and hid in the bushes. As the figure came into the light, she jumped out and held the blade to the man's throat, before flinching and slowly lowering it.

"Theon?!" she gasped in fear, "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Saving Sansa," he smiled, "Saw the prints and thought I'd follow them. Took me to an inn where they were talking about a small girl and her husband that had legged it just a few days before. So I upped my speed and here we are," he smiled, "I won't be staying on the road with you, though. Nothing personal, I just prefer to travel alone. Only stopped to deliver a message. Tyrion's been imprisoned. Nymeria and Olly have fled with Podrick and will return when it's safe. Only Tyrion, Podrick and I know where they're going," he whispered the location into her ear.

"Thank you, Theon," she smiled, patting his shoulder with a smile, "I wish you the best of luck. And if you beat me to Cersei, tell her that The north remembers. Tell her, ours is the fury. She'll know," 

"I will do, little rabbit," he smiled at her.

That was always his pet name for her when they were children, and she'd always hated it till now. It proved that she wasn't the only one who remembered the old days. Who treasured them. 

"Theon!" he turned, "Why are you going after Sansa?"

"Isn't it obvious?" he smiled. 

He nodded goodbye before turning back to the path. Arya had always teased Theon because of how he was when he was around Sansa. Of all the people she grew up with, she bonded with Theon the most. Aside from her father, of course. His ears would go pink, and his freckles would look more prominent, and Arya now realised that he was in fact getting pale. He would twiddle his fingers and would keep his eyes on one of two places. The ground, or her eyes. It all made sense now. She was too young to understand before. 

Theon was in love with her sister. And honestly, Arya was happy for them. Though they won't be able to have sex, she imagined them to live happy lives together. 

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