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"I know what she does to people, you'd not stand a chance,"

"I don't care!" Theon shouted.

"I understand that you want to prove yourself but you have to just... let her go. I'm not asking you to give up, I'm asking you to wait,"

"Wait? Every second we wait is a second closer Cersei is to killing her. This isn't about proving myself, it's about protecting her!"

"We don't know if she's even alive, you can't risk all of the iron born, it would be stupid,"

"Just me then."

"You can't just walk into king's landing. Even I can't do that and I'm a Lannister,"

"I know what she's been through... better than any of you... even Bran,"

Jon looked confused.

"He may have seen it but he never felt it. Not knowing what would happen one day to the next. Not knowing if you'd ever escape. Not knowing if you'd be fed to his hounds, or tortured, or worse in Sansa's case. He took things from me you couldn't even begin to imagine,"

"I heard," Tyrion said, looking at him in frustration.

"I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about my family. My pride. She's all I have left. And now, someone else has come along and is taking her from me aswell. I'm not just going to stay here while that bone idol prick plays King," he gestured in Jon's direction, "I promised her she'd never feel that fear again if I could help it. I intend on keeping that promise. She'd do it for any of us," he glared and walked towards the door. 

As he did so, Jon grabbed his arm and looked in his eyes.

"You love her," 

Everyone was quiet. Theon pulled away from Jon's grasp, still glaring into his eyes with hate. Without a word, he walked out leaving only Jon and Tyrion.

"That boy is going to get himself killed,"

"That boy want to fuck my sister,"

"Oh so she's your sister now?" he looked at Jon in fury, "if it weren't for you running away, she'd still be here now," he took a deep breath, "besides, you don't have to worry about him fucking her,"

Jon chuckled a little at this. Him and Theon had always hated each other. Even as boys. 

"I'm beginning to lose my patience with you. Danaerys has changed you. I remember the boy who wanted to ride north to find his uncle that was long known to be dead. I remember the man who fought a war to win his sister back, and nearly died doing so. I don't know the man who hides away in castles. The man I knew died 17 years ago,"

"What ever happened to my queen?" Jon looked at him in anger, "I remember you as the man who travelled the entire world just to find his queen,"

"She isn't the person she was either. She isn't the queen I put my faith in. She doesn't care about peace. She doesn't care bout the people, she reminds me of Margery these days. She helps the poor, and the hopeless, and she makes sure she's seen doing it. I serve the queen who would take food from her own plate, or water from her own cup and give it to a starving child or a slave. The breaker of chains. She died with Jon Snow, many years ago,"

"Then who do you serve?"

"The l- realm," as the word lily was about to pass his lips, he thought of Nymeria. In a cell. Or worse, being burned alive by Drogon for treason. He couldn't take the risk.

"And who's that?"

"I serve who ever will do right by the people. Who ever will give them the best chance in life. I serve the common folk who work and live normally. I once believed that Danaerys was that person. But it seems I was wrong," he took the hand from his chest and placed it on the table in front of him. 

"Tyrion Lannister, I'm arresting you for treason,"

"Let me see Nymeria,"


"Let me see my niece. Her parents are gone. Her grand parents are dead. Her god parents are gone. Her uncles and aunt are all either gone or dead. I'm all she has left. Give me one hour to say good bye to her, and for all I care, you can execute me," he walked towards him, "I'm asking you as Arya's brother. The Jon Snow I met all those years ago. Let me say goodbye,"

Jon nodded hesitantly. He owed it to Nymeria.

"You have until sundown," 

"Nymeria, Olly, I need you to listen to me, I don't have much time. I'm being arrested. I need you to call your squire, immediately. I'm desperate for some wine,"

She did as she was told, and just had Tyrion had hoped, Podrick Payne entered. 

"My lord," he smiled.

"How do you fancy going on another quest?" he smirked. 

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