Sansa and her spear

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"Put her on the bed," Tyrion demanded, Gendry carrying her with tears running down his cheeks.

"Come on Arya, stay with me," his shaking hands tucked a lose hair behind her ear, "Stay with me,"

"What is it?" Sansa asked Tyrion.

"Poison. Without a doubt. My sister used this same poison on me when we were children in the hope that she would finally be rid of me. The antidote is thankfully quite simple,"

"In King's Landing. Will the ingredients grow here?"

"I'm sure of it," he placed the back of his hand on her head, and then on the back of her neck, "she's too hot. She's going to dehydrate. Quickly. Sansa, get Jon and bring as much water as the two of you can carry. Gendry, you strip her to the lightest clothes you can while I go and make the antidote. We don't have much time, but she's a fighter," he put his hand on Gendry's shoulder, "This is all going to be allright," he smiled sympathetically before rushing away to get the antidote. Gendry stripped her down, and saw that between her legs, there was blood.

"No, no, no, no, no," he held Arya's head and chest, rocking slightly in fear.

"Arya! Oh my god what's happened?" Jon asked rushing to her bedside.

"Gendry... what's happened?" Sansa asked, slowly approaching him.

"She's bleeding... Sansa, she's bleeding... if Tyrion doesn't hurry she could lose the baby,"

"Go and get Bran, please," she looked to the hound, and saw that he had a single tear on his cheek. He nodded, and ran, "Gendry I know you're upset but we need to get her to drink as much as we can. She needs you to be strong, and so does your baby," Gendry composed himself and nodded, still crying.

They forced water down her throat for the few minutes that followed, until Tyrion rushed in.

"Tyrion hurry!" Sansa cried, "she's losing the baby, you have to hurry,"

He ran to her side and opened her mouth, holding her nose. He poured the silver liquid into her mouth, shut her mouth and continued to hold her nose until she swallowed.

"Gendry, you need to check to see if she's still bleeding,"

"She's stopped, but it might have been too late,"

Gendry studied her face. Her beautiful face. Her skin was grey and clammy. Her eyes were open yet closed. Her hair was soft, yet stiff. Her hands were cold but her face was hot to the touch. She looked like Arya, but also someone else completely. Her bones were weak, but prominent. Her breathing was normal but her heart was slow. Each beat of the drum, loud, yet inconsistent. Gendry ran his hand over her forehead, sweeping away the hair. Sansa ripped off some of the fabric from her shirt and used it too tie Arya's hair up as best she could, so it didn't make her hot. He couldn't help but cry. He was trying to be strong, he really was! But when the people you love... your family... are dying right in front of you... being strong is a more difficult requirement to achieve.

Sansa looked at the door and saw the dragon queen, stood emotionless. Her eyes joined Sansa's and she walked away. She felt the anger rise inside of her, so much so that her tears of sadness and fear grew hot with rage. She could feel her whole body shake.

"Sansa?" Jon asked, quietly.

"It was her. It was your... precious dragon queen. She found out that the baby would rule and she poisoned Arya," she took her spear, "I'll kill her myself,"

"No," it was Arya. Gendry's tears turned to happy ones and he let his head drop, resting on Arya's bed and he tightened his grip on her hands. Sansa dropped her spear and ran to her sister's side, hugging her. At that moment, the hound walked in with Bran and he sighed with relief.

"Oh my god the baby. Is the baby okay?" Arya asked, with realisation and fear.

"She's alive," everyone let a sigh of relief, apart from Jon who didn't hold much of a reaction, "but she's weak. You should rest. If you do it now, she'll die,"

"Do what?" Jon asked.

"Getting revenge," Bran said turning to Jon, "crossing another name off of her list,"

"No... you can't I won't let you,"

"She just nearly killed your sister and your niece, and you're DEFENDING her?" Sansa stood up, furious.

"Tyrion... thank you," it was Gendry.

"It was an honour," he smiled, taking Arya's hand in his own and holding it tightly for a moment, reassuringly.

"I don't want any more fighting. It was fighting that got us into this mess, I just need you to stay here. If she's tried to kill me once, then she'll likely try again,"

"You can't expect me too just do nothing,"

"I can and I do, I'm not having my sister become a killer,"

"I'm sorry Arya but I can't let this go," Sansa picked up her spear again, and left, Jon chasing close behind her.

"Sandor," she tried to sit up, but it hurt too much and she screamed, lowering herself back down, with Gendry's help, "You have to carry me to Sansa before it's too late,"

"She'll be all right," the hound said, in his usual gruff voice, "especially if she can fight anything like her sister,"

"I'm not about to sit here and let her become a killer," a tear ran down her cheek, "please,"

"All right, but we better be quick,"

"You can't be serious! Arya, it's too big of a risk,"

"She's the only family I have left. Jon isn't who he was. Bran is barely even human. Everyone else is gone. I can't lose my sister too, Gendry... she'll listen to me,"

"I'll go," Tyrion muttered, "she trusts me. More than any of you know,"

"Okay," Arya whispered, "but be quick," 

He left, swiftly and Arya let her head fall onto the pillow as Gendry ran his fingers through her baby hairs.

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