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The pain was unbearable. She had been stabbed, whipped, bruised, broken and battered. But nothing compared to this. 

Gendry held her hand tight for support. Though, in his own way he was more afraid than Arya. Was he ready for this? The nine months had passed by quickly, and he knew it was near. But now the time had come, he began to question if he was truly prepared for this. 

"Push Arya!" Tyrion persisted. Sansa and Jon were in the room aswell. Jon had to leave, as his skin was as white as snow. He couldn't bare the screams. 

"I- I can't do this,"

"Yes you can! Not much more now, I can see the head," Sansa said. 

"Allright Arya I need you to give me one big push okay?" Tyrion shouted over her screams. She gathered all her strength and pushed with everything she had, screaming louder than she ever had before. 

"Come on Arya you can do this, just one more push!" Sansa shouted. 

Arya's instinct took over, and everything went blank. The next thing she knew, her head was back on the bed and she was gasping for breath. A babies cry filled the room.

Sansa grinned widely, "it's a girl," she wrapped the baby in a blanket and handed her to Gendry, who was crying with happiness.

"Hello my little princess," he began laughing nervously, "It's daddy. I love you so much," He handed her to Arya, who cried at the sight of her beautiful baby girl. 

"We did it... we're going to take such good care of you," 

She was small and fragile, as Arya was once. She had her mother's features, but her father's eyes and brown hair.

That's when they heard it. Three blows of the horn.

"No... no not now, please not now," Gendry felt his emotions drop to an all time low.

Jon ran into the room with the hound, "Gendry the-" he stopped when he saw the child. 

Jon stopped in his tracks, but the hound stood beside Arya and dropped to his knees.

"She's beautiful. You did well," he wiped a tear from his cheek.

"I was you to be her god father,"

"What the... bloody hell... is a god father?"

"Should anything happen to Gendry and I, you will be her guardian. She'll have a Godmother as well,"

"She's got Beratheon eyes," Jon said as he stood beside the child, "but other than that, she looks so much like you Arya,"

After a moments piece Jon coughed, "We have to go... The night king..."

"I can't go,"

"You must. If you don't, we'll all die, Bran said it himself,"

"Gendry, go," Arya took his face in her hand and smiled as a tear ran down her cheek, "I love you," She looked at Tyrion, "Would you like to hold your niece?"

"My niece?"

"You brought her into this world. You'll always be her uncle Tyrion no matter who you're related too,"

A tear of happiness ran down his cheek, as he took the child.

She wrapped her arms round Gendry's shoulders as he hugged her.

"One last thing," Tyrion said, with a smile, "She'll be needing a name,"

"Nymeria," Gendry said, looking at her lovingly, "Nymeria Beratheon,"

"Stay safe," Arya whispered as she kissed him. 

Weeks had passed, and Nymeria was getting stronger every day. 

"Arya," it was Bran, "You have to go out there. I was wrong,"

"What do you mean?"

"In my vision, I saw the night king fall at the hands of a Baratheon. You ARE a Baratheon through your marriage to Gendry. It's you. It always has been you,"

"I can't just go,"

"If you don't, they all die,"

They held a small council meeting. Tyrion, Sansa, Bran, the hound, Arya and now Nymeria.

"Bran was wrong. It isn't Gendry that defeats the night king. It's me,"

"But then-" Sansa stopped, "No. No! My sister is not going out and fighting in this war. What about Nymeria?"

"She'll be safe here, with her Godparents,"


"Sandor... and you,"

"Me? But I'm her aunt I-"

"Which makes you all the more trustworthy. I know you can look after her. I need to go and fight for her,"

"What if you don't come back?"

"She will. No one can kill the night king. And a girl is no one,"

She kissed Nymeria's cheek, and handed her to Sansa after hugging her sister good bye, along with everyone else. She took her horse, along with needle and her other weapons and rode to save them all.

It was a devastating scene, she had to admit. Much worse than she'd ever imagined. She fought the dead off, one at a time. And then she saw him. Gendry. About to die. The dead had surrounded him, and he was alone. She saw a stone nearby, and climbed onto it. She jumped from it, into the circle.

"Arya?!" he killed three of the dead with his hammer, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! WHERES NYMERIA?!"

"AT WINTERFELL WITH SANSA! BRAN WAS WRONG! HE GOT THE WRONG BARATHEON!" They cut through the dead like butter with a hot blade. The night king walked onto the battle field, as again his forces were slowly being defeated. A wildling run at him, and without any difficulty, he ripped the man to shreds. Arya saw her opening and ran for it, much to Gendry's horror. She went to stab him with needle, and he caught the blade between his hands, throwing it on the floor. She took the Valerian steel dagger she had and tried to quickly slit his throat. Again, he made quick work of this. He grabbed her throat, and lifted her upwards. She felt the air run short in her lungs as she slowly began to suffocate. She heard Gendry screaming in despair, trying to fight his way to her aid. As she tried to kick away, she pulled the Baratheon blade from her boot, and stabbed him in the throat with it. He burst into a million pieces of ice, and the dead fell to the ground, revealing the few remaining men. Gendry ran to her, and held her close to him.

"You did it... You actually did it it's... it's over,"

Jon ran over.

"Gendry you did... ARYA?! WHERES-"



"Bran was right, It was a Baratheon that was going to kill the night king, which is why Gendry injured him so badly last time. But he didn't have this," she showed him the blade.

Jon ran to his sister and hugged her. He only pulled away when the queen landed on the ground, climbing down from Drogon's back.

"You did it Jon!"

"No. Arya did,"

She turned and walked away. 

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