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He couldn't put his finger on what it was, but Nymeria had changed

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He couldn't put his finger on what it was, but Nymeria had changed. Maybe it was puberty, or maybe she'd changed what she did to her hair. But Nymeria looked different. She had matured quickly, and looked older than her 15 years. And as much as he wanted to deny it, Olly thought she was beautiful. He'd always thought that, in her own way, she was pretty. But it was a different kind of pretty now. She'd always been like his little sister before. He felt he needed to protect her. Look after her. But now, it was just... different. He felt he needed to do the same, but for different reasons that he couldn't really explain.

His father had taken him on a business trip of sorts, to king's landing. He loved it there, but he felt incomplete without his friend. They were gone for around two months, and when he came back, all he wanted was Nymeria. He didn't care about seeing his brothers, or his mother. Not that they were really his family. They were nothing he was proud of. He only cared about seeing Nymeria safe, and when he did, he felt something he'd never felt before. 

"Olly!" she saw him and ran from her mother's side in Gendry's shop, and jumped into a hug, "I missed you so much!" 

He chuckled to himself, and rubbed her back as he hugged her, just as he usually would. He didn't know why, but he'd always done that when hugging Nymeria. Nobody else. Just Nymeria. 

Gendry and Arya looked at each other with smirks as the pair hugged each other. When Nymeria pulled him to the shop, he hugged both Gendry and Arya and greeted them, just as he usually would, but the feeling of Nymeria's touch lingered on his chest and arms.

"How was King's landing?"

"Would've been better if you were there," he smiled as her cheeks began to glow, "Oh I brought you this back," he handed her a book called "Sea Demons: A History of the Children of the Drowned God of the Isles"

They went for a walk to the sea, and sat facing the stone titan, with their feet dangling above the water.

"I've missed this," he said with his eyes closed.

"Missed what?"

"This. Braavos. The sound of the sea, the damp air, the smell of the fishing boats. And I've missed us,"

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