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When Arya walked from the castle gates, she felt release. As the head in her hand slowly dripped with blood, she felt justice. She hoisted it onto a spike, next to the head of her father. Her beautiful father, disgraced this way. She hadn't seen the head since it was on his shoulders, and seeing it in front of her, rotten and decayed, made her thankful that she'd damned Cersei to the same fate. She took a torch, and set her father's head on fire. She didn't want him to be there any longer. 

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"It's okay. She was my mother but, only by birth," 

When they left the castle, they felt a familiar warmth. King's landing was in flames. Burned and crumbled, much like her father's head. 

"STOP! SHE'S DEAD! IT'S OVER!" Arya screamed, trying to get Daenerys' attention.

"Jon!" he looked towards her, "It's over. It's all over, you've destroyed the city for nothing!" Jon's face dropped, and he did everything he could to stop the queen, eventually succeeding. 

"Arya..." she turned to face him, and took his hand, "Nick,"

Arya's face dropped, and they ran as best as they could with their injuries to make sure nick was okay. When they got to his shop, the walls had fallen and the roof had collapsed. And sticking out from the rubble, was an arm. And on one of the broken finger's, was Nick's ring. 

Gendry dropped to his knees. He let his head drop into his hands, and that was when the tears began. The tears that would never end. And why should they? He'd lost his mother and his brother today. His brother was one of Robert's bastards, though they never knew it. They'd been kept together so it wasn't too suspicious. And he had loved his brother, more than anyone. He was his best friend. And now he was gone. 

His shaking hand reached out, and took the ring from his brother's finger. He put it in his top pocket, knowing where it had to go. Arya wrapped her arm round his shoulders, and he cried into her chest for an un-measurable amount of time, and she cried with him. Nick was always good to her and Nymeria. He loved them as family, more than most of her own family had. She couldn't think of revenge, or even her own pain. She could only think of how Gendry must be feeling. She'd experienced this only an hour or so before, and it ripped her to shreds. And she had experienced the pain many times before, almost developing an immunity. So for Gendry, it must be unbearable.

"I'm sorry," Arya whispered, kissing his head and holding him tighter, "I'm so sorry,"

He took her hand in his, still cuddling her. He lifted her hand to his mouth, and kissed it, holding his lips there for a while. She held him to her again, resting her head on his as she ran her fingers through his hair. 

For the rest of the day, he was silent. When Daenerys was congratulating them, he said nothing. When Jon spoke to him, he said nothing. Even when Arya spoke to him, he could barely form a sentence. He'd never felt a loss like this before, and he hated it. How must it had been for Arya? She was only young. 

When everyone left for Winterfell, the pair stayed to help with organising a clean up of the city. Ensuring the people were healthy, and the streets were safe. Rebuilding the buildings and cleaning the paths. Thankfully, a vast area of the city remained unharmed, and therefore the job was shortened. By rebuilding Flee bottom, and other areas of the city, they gained the trust of the people. It had been weeks now, and Gendry still wasn't himself. He couldn't sleep anymore. 

He was sat in bed, thinking.

"Gendry, we need to talk," she sat beside him.

"What is it?"

"I need you back. I know how hard it is for you, but you need to pick yourself back up. I can't stand seeing you like this... I love you," he looked down, ashamed.

"You're right. I'm sorry it's just... it's difficult. I always thought I'd be the first to go,"

She cupped his cheek in her hand, "Hey. Don't think about that. Don't think of any of it,"

He looked up and down her face, feeling emotion for the first time in over a month. He leaned forward, and kissed her gently. She kissed back, happy to have her husband back. The night was full of the passion, they'd missed for too long. The burning passion that was theirs and theirs alone. That drove them to do stupid things that they should have regretted, but didn't. That followed them into wars, and chased them into the unknown. That warmed their hearts until they could feel it in their fingertips. It was lustful but pure, in a beautiful way that neither of them could describe if they were asked too. That was obvious but discreet. It was known, but also very private and personal. Their inexplicably bright spark that couldn't be drowned out by any sea. 

Arya was rested on Gendry's chest, their hand intertwined as they lay in comfortable silence. 

"I'm sorry," Gendry pulled her closer, and kissed her head, "Things are going to change. I promise you. You're right, I can't let this take over my life,"

The next few weeks went smoothly. More and more people became accepting of Gendry and Arya, helping improve the city by cleaning the streets and helping each other. They'd brought the people together in a way that had never been done before. Crime was at an all time low, and new systems had been put in place. The death penalty had remained, but was only used in severe cases such as murder and rape. The nights watch was a think of the past, thanks to Arya's valiant efforts in the long war, and was now used as an establishment for those who committed crimes like thieving. It was very similar to the nights watch, but instead of training to fight wildlings and dead folk, they were trained in useful trades like farming and forging. Their supplies helped feed the poorest of citizens, and build them new houses. 

When Arya ended the long war, Daenerys was bitter, and gave her control of the nights watch as a reward. She had no use for it until taking control of King's Landing on the queen's behalf. You see, Daenerys wasn't the type to her her hands dirty. She preferred giving orders, and when she burned the city, she hadn't taken into account that the people had lost their lively hoods, and hated her as a result. So, she left Arya to clean up her mess as a reward for killing Cersei. At first, Arya was furious, but she grew to love the people of the city. Word had gotten out of Arya's victory, and Nymeria had joined her mother. She was loved dearly by the people, more so than any other woman in King's Landing. Considerably more than Cersei. Even more than Margery.

Nymeria had been given the role of distribution. Her job was to supply the new institutions for the homeless and orphans with blankets and food. She had developed very personal connections with the people, and though she didn't know it, they would follow her into oblivion.

"Hello Jara," she smiled to the woman. She had olive skin and very curly hair that reminded Nymeria of Missandei. She had very few clothes, and twin children around 7 years old. 

"I wanted to thank you, your grace. Before your mother's success, we had nothing. My life had many hardships. And now, I feel safe. The children made this for you," she pulled out a crown made of twine with Lilies.

"It's beautiful," she grinned, placing it on her head. She brushed the children's cheeks with her finger, thanking them as she did so, "I love it,"

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