Chapter 4

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"Mmm," I heard from the door. I glanced over and seen Dallas standing there staring at me, "you again." The boy grinned and strut over to me, leaned on the bar and winked.

"Dallas, I wouldn't do that if I were you," Buck came around the corner with empty glasses in his hands.

Dallas looked annoyed, "oh yeah, why? She yours?"

I scoffed and crossed my arms, "oh won't you shut up." I don't like being assigned to people. It's a pet peeve.

"Hush your pretty little mouth, darlin'," Dallas stood up straight.

"No, she's 16." Buck rolled his eyes, "she's actually your new roommate. The one I told you about."

Dallas blinked then looked me up and down, "and I have to live with her? Man, she's fine as hell," he looked away from me.

"Dal, she's gonna be your roommate. She won't even want anything to do with you. You'll have your half the room, she'll have her half. Its both y'alls choices on if you wanna be friends or fucks," Buck walked to greet some guys that entered.

Dallas stared at me for another moment then went upstairs to probably go to bed. Moments later he nearly fell down the stairs with how fast he was going. "What did you do to my room?"

I glanced at Buck hoping he'd answer for me, but he still stood chatting, "modified a little bit, that's all," I took some drinks I had been preparing across the room to a couple at a table.

"Charles or whatever your name is, we are not getting off to a good start," he walked away, back up the stairs and slammed the bedroom door.

I cocked an eyebrow, "Charles..?"


I slowly opened the bedroom door and Dally was sound asleep facing the wall. Perfect. I turned on the light but watched Dallas to even see if he moved at all. He didn't. I opened my suitcase that I hadn't unpacked yet and picked out clothes to sleep in. I undressed myself, conscious of the noise I was making so I didn't wake Dallas.

Just my luck because, "mmmm," I whipped around at Dallas who was now sitting up, "how long you stayin' here anyway?"

I felt my face grow hot so I quickly pulled my clothes on and turned the light off, "I'm not going anywhere."

"You act like I never seen a naked girl before," he chuckled.

"We need ground rules. We'll talk tomorrow." I closed my eyes and dismissed talking to him.


"Wake up!" I threw my pillow across the room at my new roommate. I've been up for hours working, and my shift just ended so his lazy ass needs to be up and running.

"Don't be a bitch," he rolled over and stuffed my pillow under his head.

"We need to talk if we're gonna be living together," I complained and walked over to him.

"It's not my fault you chose to change in front of me," he sat up. Yep... Still very attractive. "Wait ten minutes."

I sat back on my bed and watched him get up, change, smoke a cigarette and leave his bedding a complete mess. Boys... He sat in the chair in the third corner and crossed his hands looking at me. I started admiring him for a moment before I blinked, turning my attention away from him.

"Well obviously you're attracted to me," he leaned forward putting his elbows on his knees and his hands on his chin, "and vise versa."

I started to speak, "I think our first rule should be-" before he interrupted me.

"No having guys over. Even if I'm not home."

I stared at him for another moment but this time in confusion, "why would that be the most important rule?"

He chuckled again, "hun, you're bound to get guys here. Especially working behind the bar and being friends with me. You'll be seen as my hot roommate who I'm not allowed to touch," he said my most important rule. "You'll be seen as somethin' I can't have. And I get a lot of things. Guys will go crazy over a girl like you."

"Well," I had nothing to say about his most important point, "that leads into my rule. We are off-limits to each other."

"I thought that was a given," he stood up and dug around for a paper and pen to write down our rules.

"Tell me when you have people over, and I'll tell you if and when I ever have people over," I walked over to him and sat on the arm of the chair he was sitting in.

He wrote sloppily in his handwriting which was legible for me to read but probably challenging for anyone else. He wrote another rule without saying it out loud. 'No masturbating when the other is home'. I cringed at the word but didn't protest. Strongly agree.

"Keep the place clean," I added.

My roommate nodded his head and wrote it down, then stood up and put it on the wall by the light switch. Great. It's official.

"Aye," he turned towards me, "I was gonna get together with a couple of friends, if you aren't doin' anythin' you should bring yourself along."

I grabbed my coat off the rack, "nothin' to lose," I smiled at the brunette, "huh?"

He opened the door and led me out. I followed him down the street but we weren't walking for long. He turned himself into a corner store so I followed closely behind him. He led me to the aisle with the beer and grabbed me by the waist, pushed me against the wall and put his face real close to mine.

I skipped a breath and wondered what the hell he was doing. The cashier had an eye on us but Dallas just kept his face close to mine and acted casual, "kiss me." he muttered.

I stared at him for a moment to see if he was serious but he seemed to be, so I followed what he had told me to do and I kissed him. As we kissed, he stuffed two beers into my jacket and a couple into his.

"Excuse me, you two can't make out in here," the worker at the register called from across the small mart.

Dallas smirked and I saw that evil glimmer in his eye, "fine," he took my hand, "we'll take our business elsewhere," he then led me out of the store and didn't let go of my hand until we were out of sight from the store window.

"You just-" I pulled the beer out of my jacket, "how the hell did you pull that off?"

"He paid attention to the teenagers kissing in the back of his store not the fact that I was stuffing beer into our coats," he grinned and turned the corner and jaywalked across the street, dodging cars. "You ain't too bad of a kisser."

I felt glad I was walking behind him so he didn't see my face turn red. I can't get myself into liking this guy. He's definitely the dangerous type, any different from the guys in my town. Plus he's tall and handsome, has a way with words and knows how to kiss. A dream. A very very off-limits kind of dream.

𝘙𝘖𝘖𝘔𝘔𝘈𝘛𝘌𝘚 (The Outsiders) ·Dallas Winston· [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now