Chapter 22

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I watched the boys punch and hit each other, no mercy. I stood holding Dally's t-shirt to my face to catch the blood from my nose. At the end of the rumble, I couldn't tell who won but both sides were still pretty angry. The other group drove away and our greasers yelled at each other about how annoyed they were with the others.

"C' mon, baby," Dally put his hand on my waist and nudged me towards the sidewalk.

"Don't "baby" me," I pushed his hand away but walked next to him. "I'm still mad at you."

"You're the one who beat the crap out of Syl again," Dally pulled out a cigarette.

"She was all over you, and you weren't stopping her."

"I was telling her that me and you were actually dating, told her to stop hitting on me but you couldn't see that just from looking at us," he lit his cigarette.

I shook my head, "she was too close to you. I don't want her near you, Dal I don't even want her within 50 feet of you."

"You get jealous too easy," he blew smoke.

"Dallas, what if I were standing like that talking to Sodapop? You'd be pissed. I don't want you near her."

"Be rational," he grabbed my wrist to make me stop walking.

I shook my head, "shut up. There is no way in hell you're getting shit from me tonight," I kept walking.

"Hey, hey," he followed behind me, "we can talk about this."

I smiled because I knew he couldn't see my face, "I'm too mad at you."

"Doll, I can be pissed about so much crap but I still ain't saying crap," he stopped me walking again.

"What do you have to be mad about?"

"Let's start with, you didn't dump Soda when I asked, as much as I despise Soda right now, he's still my friend and your brother beat him up, you lost my necklace-"

"You know about that?" I interrupted.

"Yes, Charlie. I talked to everyone."

"Okay, well," I sighed, "I don't want to be your second thought," I stared at his bare chest, "and I don't want her to be your 1st."

"You think she's my first thought?" he brushed the hair from my face, "baby, I don't think about her until she's right in front of me. I think about you even when you're not around. Man, let me tell you, I didn't think about her once for those 3 months. You never left my mind though. In any call, I asked about you. You're the only person I wanted, Charlie."

"Wow," I looked at my feet and smiled, "stop, I'm supposed to be mad." I shoved him away and shook my head.

"Baby, I'm crazy about you," he lifted my chin and kissed my lips, "and I ain't just saying this."

"Shut up," I bit my lip and shook my head, "I hate you."

"You don't hate me," he chuckled and blew smoke again, "c' mon, we have business to get to."

We started walking again, "business?"

He put his arm around my shoulders and grinned, "yes, business."

"Is that what you're calling it now?"

"Oh, sorry, c' mon, I want to have sex with you."

I hit his chest and rolled my eyes, "don't get funny with me, Dallas."


"Sodapop called," Dally kissed my shoulder and rubbed my thigh, "he wants us to hang out with them all tonight. I guess it's like a party."

"I don't know," I shrugged my shoulders, "last time I partied with them I got too drunk."

"I think we should go," he turned my head and kissed my lips. "Anyway, I've never seen you drunk."

"I'm some work," I smiled and nodded my head, "I suppose we should go."

"Alright then," he moved on top of me and kissed me more, "I'll have Two-bit pick you up in an hour. I'm gonna go hang out with everyone for a while."

"You have to keep an eye on me while we're there then. I can't promise anything when I'm drunk," I rolled out from under him and started getting ready.

"Mm, baby," he grabbed my waist and sat me on his lap, "you look good in your party dresses," he kissed my lips.

"Stop," I shook my head and got off his lap, "I'll make out with you for a moment, but I have to get ready for the party," I pushed him back onto the bed by his shoulders and sat on his torso, leaned down and kissed him generously.


"Dally should be inside already," Two-bit opened the car door for me. "I really think you should take my jacket..." He sighed as he looked at my dress, "I don't like it."

"Well, it's not for you," I pat his shoulder and moved past him.

"You see Dal how many hours of the day? Can't you save this stuff for when you two are alone, or at least not at a party where the guys will be crazy drunk," he set his jacket around my shoulders as we walked into the house.

I nudged it away, "I will be fine, Two-bit. Thank you though," I waved bye to him and went off to find Dally.

After wandering around for a couple of minutes, I happened upon Steve and Sodapop, "Hey, Charlie." Soda waved me over.

"Have y'all seen Dally?" I glanced around some more.

Both of them shook their heads, "it's hard to find him at parties. If he's not making out with a girl he's showing off or smoking pot," Steve shrugged.

"Who let you out of the house in that?" Soda glanced me up and down.

"Not me, that's for sure," Two-bit stood behind me. I hadn't realized when he got there.

"It's not that bad, you guys are overdramatic," I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

Soda looked at Steve and grabbed the jacket out of his arms, "put this on."

I shoved it away and scoffed, "you guys act like my dads."

𝘙𝘖𝘖𝘔𝘔𝘈𝘛𝘌𝘚 (The Outsiders) ·Dallas Winston· [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now