Question 5

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"When did you last sing to yourself? And to someone else?"

"Another easy one," Dean said, smiling slightly. "I sang to myself on the way over here. I sing along to the radio a lot. Drives my brother crazy, but I really don't care what Sammy has to say about it."

"What about to someone else?" Cas asked. He narrowed his eyes at the card. "You know, they said this would only be 36 questions, but two parters like this are really cheating that."

"Yeah," Dean fiddled with his hands. "The last time I sang to somebody else was about....two weeks ago, I'd say? I sang to Sam- that's my little brother."

"Singing along to the radio again?"

"No," Dean shook his head, the faint smile falling from his face. "Just in our house. He had a nightmare, so I was trying to calm him down." Cas smiled.

"Well, that's sweet."

"If you say so."

"What song did you sing?" Dean smirked.

"Well, you're the Beatles fan, so you'll freak out."

"Oh my gosh, it was a Beatles song. Which one?!"

"Hey Jude."

"I LOVE Hey Jude."

"You wouldn't be a true Beatles fan if you didn't."


"Your turn."

"Um, last time I sang to myself was..." He tiled his head. "A couple weeks ago, I think. I was cleaning up my room, had my headphones in, and was singing the soundtrack to The Greatest Showman at the top of my lungs." Dean burst out laughing. "That's not funny!"

"Yes it is!"

"It's a great movie! Historically inaccurate, but great!"

I'm not disagreeing with you, but just the idea of you singing The Greatest Showman at the top of your lungs while cleaning is HILARIOUS!"

"Oh shut up,"

"You shut up."

"I can't shut up, I have to finish the other half of the question."

"Then finish it,"

"Alright, alright. The last time I sang to somebody else was for a Talent Show I was forced to participate in in fourth grade."

"Oh god, what happened?"

"I half sang, half screamed the theme to the Big Bang Theory then promptly fell off the stage." Dean started laughing.

"Please tell me someone has this on video."

"Of course. Like my brothers would ever let me live that down." Dean laughed harder.

"I'm sorry-" He said between laughs. "-It's just-"

"I know."

"I gotta see that video."

"Pretty sure it's on YouTube at this point. Google it." Dean laughed even harder.

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