Question 27

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After scanning through a couple dozen Wolfstar fanart pictures, they continued.

 "If you were going to become a close friend with your partner, please share what would be important for him or her to know."

"Really?" Dean questioned. "You already know more than any of my close friends do."

"Well there's gotta be something you haven't told me yet that I should know." Cas insisted. "Here, I'll go first. My birthday is September 18th, you should know that. And I hate Celine Dion, and I don't know how to swim, so going to the pool with me is not an option."

"You never learned how to swim?"


"How?" Cas shrugged.

"I dunno, just never came up."

"Do you know how to ride a bike?"

"Of course. Everybody knows how to ride a bike-"

"I don't."


"Wasn't a priority." 

"Neither was learning how to swim."

"I think learning to swim is a bit more important than riding a bike."

"Eh, you're probably right, but it doesn't change the fact."

"I guess... I should teach you to swim."

"And I should teach you how to ride a bike."

"What, you gonna give an eighteen year old training wheels?"

"And a helmet to keep your head safe."

"See this is why I called you a 40 year old woman earlier."

"The more I think about it, the more I realize that you're right and Anna completely corrupted me."

"She did."

"Anna turned me into a middle aged woman, and Lucifer corrupted my mind."

"Satan corrupted your mind?"

"Oh yeah. I'm very dirty minded. That's probably something else you should know."

"You're a teenager. We're allowed to be dirty minded."

"Didn't you admit to reading gay smut earlier?"


"Well, at least now I know you're dirty minded too."

"I never said I was dirty minded!"

"Oh yeah? I'll give you a test."

"A dirty minded test?"


"How are you gonna test that?"

"Like this. When Lucifer and Michael met, Michael had a part time job at a kid's play place, like Chuck E. Cheese or something,"


"And he was in charge of cleaning the ball pit."


"His official job title was ball washer." Dean grinned.

"The what?"

"The ball washer,"

"The what?"

"The-" Dean started laughing, and Cas shoved at him. "BEHOLD! Dirty minded!"

"I give! My mind is filthy!"

"Whose isn't at this point?"

"I don't even know."

"Okay, but answer the question. What do I need to know?"

"Well, my birthday is January 24th, since you said yours, and never ask me to do something with you on November 2nd because I don't do anything on that day, no matter what it is. I don't do healthy food. You take me to a vegan place and it's likely I'll never speak to you again. Same thing if you insult my music or my car. It is entirely likely that I will steal your fries and copy your homework. Just saying."

"What good friend WOULDN'T let you copy their homework? I mean, fries are debatable, but I'd share them. You eat too many and I'll slap you, but you can have a couple."

"See, this is the moment where I would say I think we'd make good friends, but you know my darkest secrets, and we've already kissed once today, soooooo,"

"I think we've surpassed friendship as an option at this point."

"Exactly." Dean paused. "So.....what are we?"

"As of this moment?"


"We're just two very close people learning more about each other."

"Oh, okay."

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