chapter 25 (Y/n)'s apprentices and the tournament

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Cinder's POV.

Cinder and her team are in they're dorm emerald and Mercury are sitting on their beds wall Cinder is throwing a hissy fit about how Roman torchwick failed and got captured.

Cinder: I can't believe that idiot failed he had one job one job and that was to bring a massive Army of Grimm into Vale but no he had to let 1 Huntsman and a bunch of huntsman and Huntress in training stop him Roman torchwick better hope that he never gets out of jail because if he does I will hunt him down and roast him alive.

Emerald: I understand you're upset that Roman torchwick failed and I captured-

Cinder: no I'm not upset that Roman torchwick got captured I'm just upset that he was so incompetent in his one job and now he's in the hands of Atlas I mean you don't know how weak Roman torchwick is eventually he'll crack and divulge everything to our enemies so now we have to try even harder well at least I'm not as incompetent even though that mystery man stopped me from Gaining access to Beacon's systems at the communications Tower I have still managed to gain control over the tournament through an unstable connection through my scroll oh yes I am just that good.

Mercury: so our plans are back on track?

Cinder yes our plans are back on track even though Roman torchwick has failed that is nothing to us now so he was nothing more than a tool to elevate us to are destined place and we all know that eventually with all tools you throw them away once you're done with them.

Emerald's POV.

Emerald became scared at this realization that to Cinder she was nothing more than a tool and one day Cinder will be done with her and eventually she will be thrown away as well.

Emerald mind: Celleus was right Cinder is using me I have to get out of this but how?.............DARTH CELLEUS!!!!!!!

3rd person POV.

Currently in the Emerald Forest (Y/n) is training his two young apprentices Neo and Pyrrha in the Arts of lightsaber combat Pyrrha brandishing her lightsaber Pike attempts to strike at (Y/n)'s neck which he blocks with his white bladed lightsaber.

(Y/n): you are a growing stronger but not strong enough to defeat me.

(Y/n) Force pushes Pyrrha away

(Y/n) side steps an oncoming attack from Neo.

(Y/n): Neo were you using Pyrrha as a distraction so that you can try to surprise me from behind?

Neo: Maybe~

(Y/n): very clever but not clever enough.

(Y/n) jumps to the air and raises both his lightsabers from mighty blow against his two students both Pyrrha and Neo identify what their Master is up to and they both block his attack but unfortunately they are not strong enough and he manages to disarm the both of them with relative ease

(Y/n): I believe that is enough for practice with your lightsabers today now let us focus on the force aspect of our lesson today.

Both Neo and Pyrrha retrieve their lightsabers Pyrrha transforms her back into it standard held mode and clips and onto her belt while Neo places her lightsaber onto her umbrella and she places her unbrella onto her back they both approach their master and kneel before (Y/n)

(Y/n): you two have made great strides in your training over the last few months Neo the construction of your lightsaber you chose a curved Hilt design managing to recreate your old umbrella so that you can hide your lightsaber inside of it and managed to procure from my collection a lambent fruit to produce its pink blade I am very impressed with your individuality and creativity.

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