chapter 41 A shadow of Doubt and one's true colors

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Darth Venomous POV.

Currently Darth Celleus, Cinder, dr. Watts and Mercury are standing in the center of a circle of armed Bandits each one fearfully pointing their weapons at the ones who had so rudely barged into their home while the one known as Shadow accompanied by a woman named Vernal staring at them with his hidden eyes.

Cinder: I am cinderfall this is my associate Arthur Watts my discipled Mercury black and finally this is my Mistresses associate Darth Venomous.

Shadow mind: wow the cinder track really has a horrible case of egomania.

Shadow: now tell me young Cinder what is it that you have come for?

Cinder: you have something my mistress wants the long-lost spring Maiden of course if I'm wrong

Cinder precedes to raise her left hand and produce a small fire in a threatening manner.

Cinder: so prove to us you are the spring Maiden

Shadow: of course Vernal if you would be so kind.

Vernal begins to pretend to concentrate well unbeknownst to Cinder Shadow is drawing upon 15% of his power storm clouds begin to gather the ground begins to quake and finally the wind blows fiercely effectively proving to Cinder that Vernal is the spring Maiden even Darth Venomous is convinced thanks to his lack of true experience with a full-fledged Maiden.

Shadow: Bernal has done well under my tutelage I take that into consideration before trying anything rash.

Cinder: Shadow I won't underestimate you so please don't insult my intelligence there is a slim chance you and your maiden can escape here but if you know our Master as well as your predecessor claim to then you know you could never truly Escape her but we come bearing an olive branch

Watts: the maidens are merely a means to an end Salem's true desires are the relics locked within the Huntsman academies come with us allow Vernal here to unlock the relic of knowledge and all previous acts of defiance against Salem will be forgiven it's the best deal either of you are ever going to get.

Shadow: I like this deal but you make it seem as if walking into Haven will be as easy as it seems

Cinder: oh but it will be Headmaster Lionheart is loyal to Salem now you know Raven wasn't the first to turn her back against Ozpin.

Shadow: so if we help you Salem will leave us alone forever?

Cinder: exactly you're a very smart one.

Shadow: fine we will help you when do we begin this plan?

Watts: 2 days from now

Shadow: yes we will help you

Cinder: good you're very smart one now let us make our way to Haven to begin our plan.

Shadow: yes let's go but before we go we must discuss the greatest threat to us.

Cinder: and that would be?

Shadow: (Y/n) of course

Cinder clench your fist and became visibly upset at the mention of that name

Shadow: I've heard Legends of his power from Raven but if we combine our powers and our strengths together we could stand a chance against him

Cinder: I think I know what you're saying we lead him into an ambush.

Shadow: exactly you inform Professor Lionheart to have him and his friends meet us at the Academy and we'll Ambush them combine our powers and destroy all of them once and for all in one Fell Swoop.

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