Secret Passage

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The great hall was still awash with festivities when she returned, but things seemed to have taken a more lustful turn. Men's laps held giggling woman and walls were held up by couples kissing. Isla tried to locate her sister and Conall but did not find them among the throng. Deciding it best to retire for now and form a plan she took a step back only to collide with a body. Fearing her cousin's presence she tried to jump away but gentle hands held her shoulders, keeping her from a fall.

"Sorry about that, lass."

Relieve flooded her at the sound of Gills' raspy good humor and she had to check herself before she threw away all good sense by clinging to him. Gills would help her! He was loyal to the laird, while she was not always fond of the man, she saw hints of wisdom in his merry eyes. Finding her cousin well into the charms of what appeared to be a willing serving girl, Isla turned and swiftly pushed Gills from the hall.

"Whoa! Watch yerself there girly. I don't take too kindly to being pushed about." He attempted to bat her hands away, the action was half hearted.

"Shh! I must speak with you and the Mackenzie's must not take notice."

He narrowed his eyes but complied with her request by taking charge of the situation and guiding her to the same nook she'd just been ill in.

"No! Not here. Is there anywhere else private?"

Without a word he steered her away and down another hall pushing through a thick door then closing it behind them with a loud click. "There will be hell to pay if you're found in my room." 

Isla looked about her. Oh no, this was not what she'd meant! Directly behind her sat a large bed that dominated the tiny room. Drawing her brows together she asked. "Why are you down here? Is there not room for you in one of the towers?" Surely the laird would want his old friend well taken care of?

"I prefer to be below stairs. Spent most of my life sleeping on the ground, I have no love for towers." He did not move from the door and Isla was grateful for the fact. He was more correct that he knew, if she was found here there would certainly be hell to pay.

"I apologize for forcing such a strange situation upon you, Sir Owen...."


With a curt nod she continued. "My cousin has asked me to spy upon the laird." She waited to read his reaction but he merely raised one bushy white eyebrow. "He says my father has made the request. I wish I knew more, but I honestly can't fathom what any of this could be about. My father is a drunken shell of a man but.... I've never seen him put this kind of effort into anything."

"Did your cousin say add any other details?"

"Only that if he even imagines I've warned the laird he'd cause harm to my sister and I."

"And this did not frighten you off from requesting my help?"

"Conall's life is worth more to me than my own but I cannot endanger my sister. I trust you enough to know you will not put me in that position."

An odd smile settled on Gills face but his voice was serious when he replied, "I've never let Conall down before, I'll not be starting now." He abruptly turned around and cracked the door open. "Conall retired to his chamber long ago but I think we best pay him a visit now. Such unknown treachery is best taken care of before it has time to take root."

Isla's jaw fell open. "I cannot go with you! Caleb is occupied but don't underestimate him, he notices everything. I told you I am willing to help but not at the cost of my sister's safety."

"There is a secret passage. " He glanced over his shoulder. "If you prove untrustworthy I will kill you." His voice was hard but he still held a grin.

What an odd man.

Without another word he took her arm and fled his chamber hastening towards what appeared to be an ordinary wall. When Isla thought for sure they'd collide with the solid surface the wall burst open to reveal a crevice just large enough for them to slip through. Even with the situation so dire she could not stop the giggle that bubbled up out of her chest.

Closing the hidden entry slowly behind them Gills turned back towards her. "Clever, aye?

"Aye! I've never seen anything like it." She ran one hand along the wall. "You cannot see it at all."

"Be amazed later."

Taking her arm once more he dragged her into the darkness and it was then she started to have real doubts about this plan. The air was dank and there was a distinct chill that settled into her bones causing her teeth to chatter. She could not see passed her own nose, but Gil's strides were certain and swift. There was nothing else for her to do but hold on and hope his intentions were honorable. If Conall trusted Gil's, than she would as well.

What a stupid girl she was. One real kiss and she was ready to throw her life down for the man.

Stumbling over rocks and warm lumps she refused to believe were rats became the least of her worries once they hit a very narrow steep stairway. Aggravated with her slow progress, Gills swept her up and over his shoulder causing her stomach to threaten rebellion once more. Why had she ever thought life here would be simple? Nothing but secrets and betrayal hid behind every wall.

"Are we there yet?" Her ribs were sore and she was more than ready to have her own two feet beneath her once more. Unreliable as they were.

Suddenly there was light and she was tossed to her feet and then righted all in the same movement. The room spun around her as she tried to get her bearings. They stood just outside the laird's chamber door.

"I wonder what the Alasdair used that for?" She pondered absently.

"I have a few guesses but most of them are unfit for a lady's hearing." Not waiting for her to respond he banged on Conall's door. "It's me, Con!"

A muffled greeting invited them in. She thought Gills ought to have announced she was with him but there was no time to bring the fact up as Gills pushed the door open and dragged her along with him. The room glowed from lit candles and a burning fire but what was before the fire halted Isla's feet.

Chest deep in steaming bath water sat a naked Conall.

"Oh!" Isla tripped over Gills massive booted feet and tried to turn away at the same time. Both men laughed when her rear hit the ground with a thud.

"You're in the tub." She lamely stated.

Conall didn't respond to her inane declaration, "Why did you bring the Mouse here?"

"She has something of great import to speak with you about."

With that, Gil's abruptly took his leave of the chamber, closing the door tightly behind him.

He left me alone with a naked man!

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