It's All Lies, Darling

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*TRIGGER WARNING: Depictions of violence against women, rape and other mature content."

Without a word Conall sat up, placed his large feet on the ground and rested his forearms on his strong thighs. He did not look at her but stared down at his own feet. His voice was rough when it finally spoke, "Gils broke one of your cousin's men"

He stood and walked to a large lookout, unconcerned by his own nudity, Isla watched entranced by the play of muscles across his broad back. She tried to understand the new direction their conversation had taken but everything was moving too quickly. She felt as though she'd been spun around and then set loose.

"What are his plans?" She asked softly, trying to hide the debilitating rejection that threatened to bring tears.

"The real question, Isla, is this- Are you in my bed because you want me or because you hope to help your clan claim my lands?"

Isla's jaw dropped, "I don't understand."

"Just answer the question, Isla! Are you here because you want me, or because my father promised your clan this land in exchange for my head on a pike?"

Isla's confusion only grew but she answered honestly, not because Conall demanded it, but because she so longed to tell him her true feelings, "I want you. I wanted you when you kissed me to stop my crying. I wanted you in that field. I've wanted you all along, even when I didn't know that's what I wanted. More than I have a right to, I want you"

She meant every word but she was not sure that he'd believe her sincerity. Her family meant him harm. Her clan meant him harm.It seemed as almost everyone meant him harm. Would she be able to trust him in the same situation? She could not say for certain.

He studied her for what felt like an eternity. Then, as though he'd finally come to a decision, he nodded. Sliding his braise up around his narrow hips he tied the laces and met her watchful gaze once more,"Your sister didn't have as good of an arguement when she'd attempted this same thing an hour ago."

It felt as though icy water had been dumped upon her, "You were pretending? Trying to trap me into some sort of confession?"

With a shrug he replied,  "Don't be so upset, Isla. You passed the test. Your sister did not." He smiled as though none of the events that had taken place in this chamber meant a thing, "She thinks she did, but she did not."

Was this just a game to him? There was much she wanted to say, shout, but first she needed answers, "My sister knows.... She's a part of this? Whatever this is?" It couldn't be true! Cat had never kept anything from her. "Are you certain?"

"Aye. Gills overheard a clandestine meeting between your dolt cousin and that little devil you call sister. They were not as cousins should be." He paused, giving her time to gather his meaning. When she did not, he sighed and rubbed his temples, "They were intimate with each other. Do you understand?"

"Liar. You're liars!"

"No, Isla. It is your family that is full of deceit. Gills saw it with his own two eyes, heard with his own ears. My head, for this keep. They planned it as they fucked."

Isla cringed at his choice of words. He was being crude on purpose but it mattered little.... Her mind was still trying to come to grips with the merciless truth she'd just been handed. None of it made sense. Yet. She could see it, looking back. Shared glances, disappearances, whispers. It had all been there the entire time, but she'd been too lame to see it. Too naive. Too steeped in her own misery to truly sense the filth around her.

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